Chapter 9: Camp Leigh

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A/N: Peter will meet some people. Some of them you guys have guessed, some of them you did not. Either way, please enjoy and Happy (late) Father's Day!

"...oww". Peter landed with a thud on top of a metal object, which upon further inspection turned out to be a school bus. Time travel was weird, and freaky, maybe he got off at the wrong point or time?

"And on your left you'll see the famous secretive military base where it's rumored that Captain America got his powers." A teacher's voice could be heard from where Peter was on top of the bus, maybe he was in the right place.

A young girl's head popped out of the window, foiling Peter's plan to climb down the bus.

"Mary Fitzpatrick, please keep all body parts inside the bus at all times."

"Sorry Miss James, it's just that it's so exciting!" Mary said before she disappeared from Peter's view.

The voice sounded vaguely familiar and it took Peter a minute to realize why.
It couldn't be... but the timing lined up...

"Mom?" Peter whispered, unable to believe what was happening. (Points for research? 😁)

Pressing a button on his suit, the nano-particles disappeared, leaving him in shorts and and an     I <3  Toxic Waste T-shirt. It wasn't really the proper attire to go and infiltrate a military base, but it was roughly the uniform for a school field trip...

No Peter, snap out of it! he told himself sharply.

But the whole point of this mission is so that Mr. Stark can spend time with his family, shouldn't you get to do the same? The selfish part of his brain whispered, tantalizing him with the opportunity he had wished for but never could receive.

The bus, which had stopped for a moment so the teacher could explain the historical significance, started to move again, away from the base.

Cursing himself for wasting the opportunity, he jumped off the back of the bus and rolled to the ground. 

"EDITH, where are Steve Rogers and Tony Stark?"



"Malfunction, it appears I am blocking all attempts to locate Tony Stark but I am not, I'm trying to locate him but am blocked by myself."

"Dammit!" Peter swore, it looked like he was on his own in regards to the whole time travel thing, which meant that he was going to have to use his patented fake-it-till-you-make-it strategy.

Spotting a supply truck headed into the base, Peter stuck to the bottom as it made its way through clearance and hopped off once the truck stopped to deliver its supplies. The base was huge, most of it was hidden from the public eye and it looked like he hadn't even seen a fraction of the real thing when he landed on the bus. Pressing the same area on his arm, the suit formed around him again and he began purposefully walking towards the nearest building.

"Hi, do you know where I could find Ms. Margret Carter?" Peter asked the lady at the reception table. The lady didn't even blink, he guessed this wasn't the strangest thing she'd seen.

"Down the hall, three doors to the left."

"Thank you!"

The door was open so after knocking and receiving no response, Peter walked in, fully suited up.

"Ms. Carter?"

A shot fired just above his head. "That was a warning shot. I know everyone on this base, and I don't know you, so you better have a good explanation why you are not in military uniform, why you don't have any badge on, and why you didn't follow the proper procedure to contact me. We've already had some suspicious people around here today."

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