I smiled rubbing my nose against his. "My little angel."

"Am I not your angel?"

I turned to look down at Olivia who had her short arms crossed over her chest with a small frown on her face.

I chuckled shaking my head at her. "You are my treasure."

She uncrossed her arms with a satisfied shrug and a grin. "Okay. He didn't even cry."

I held Bryan with one of my arms and faced her.

"Well you cried enough for the both of you when you were a baby. Bryan cries only when he really wants something. You used to cry for no reason at all." I smiled tapping her nose causing her to giggle.

"Daddy says it's because I'm expressive."

"Your daddy says a lot of things." I said moving toward the changing table.

She crossed her arms once more. "Grandpa Steve said so too."

I placed Bryan on the changing table and Olivia made a sound in protest. She quickly moved to the crib and pulled out a blue blanket before moving to the center of the nursery.

"No, mommy. Put him here, please." She pouted laying the blanket on the carpeted floor. "I want to see."

I picked my son back up and grabbed his diapers and wipes before moving to the blanket. I started changing him as he turned his head to the side to extend a small hand out toward his sister.

"See? He always wants me to play with him." He grinned before placing her hand on his causing his fist to close around her small fingers.

"I know. You are definitely his favorite too." I nodded looking down at their joined hands.

"I know!"

I smiled at her as I finished wiping Bryan off before picking him back up to carry him to the bathroom. "Give me a minute to clean him up, okay?"

"Okay, mommy."

I could hear Olivia's singing in the other room as I checked the water temperature. As if knowing what was about to happen, Bryan started fussing as he looked down at the running water.

"Mommy just needs to clean you up, okay?" I smiled lowering him into the running water.

He started kicking his small legs and loudly babbled as soon as the water touched his bottom. He pouted as he held my top tightly in his small fist, showing me how unhappy he was to be here.

"Mommy's sorry, baby. Just a few more seconds., okay?" I whispered mimicking his pout as he looked at me with his lower lip poking out blabbering some more. "Sorry."

I turned off the water and grabbed his towel to wrap it around his bottom and it was only then his pout disappeared.

"Now that wasn't so hard, right?" I held him close to my chest and walked out of the bathroom to go back to the nursery.

"He didn't cry."

"No. Your brother is very brave."

I tried laying him down but he wouldn't loosen his hold on my top. I laid him down as he kicked his legs some more. I pulled away slowly loosening his hold on me.

"Daddy!" Olivia squealed jumping to her feet and running toward the nursery door.

I briefly looked back and smiled to see Jason going down to her level with a smile.

"Are you done with your work call?" She asked placing her small hands on his shoulders.

"I am." He said before she came back running to us and as I finished clothing Bryan.

Another big smile appeared on my baby's face when I picked him and he looked over my shoulder at his father.

"Hi grandpa." Jason walked closer and took him from me.

Bryan let out a giggle as if he knew that Jason called him that because he was named after his great grandfather.

I stood up and turned to look at Jason.

"Hi baby." He grabbed my elbow and pulled me closer to kiss my lips.

"Hi." I smiled before folding the blanket and throwing the dirty diaper in the trash.

"Daddy, you said we would watch a movie when you're done." Olivia stated.

Jason smiled down at her moving Bryan to hold him with one of his arms. "I did, didn't I?"

"Come one, please! Let's go make popcorn." She grabbed his free hand jumping up and down.

"You guys go ahead." I smiled taking Bryan from Jason. "Bryan and I will wait in the room."

Once they've left the room, I carried Bryan with me to our bedroom after grabbing a few of his toys.

He started blabbering once more and I could think about was how I couldn't wait for him to say his first words, so I can know what he's been trying to tell us this whole time.

"It is your nap time, isn't it?" I asked looking down at him as he blabbered some more. "But you look anything but tired."

I got on our bed with him. I sat him down with beside placing a few pillows behind to support him even though he can sit on his own. I placed his toys in front of him, but he paid them no mind as he looked up at me.

I chuckled when he reached over to grabbed my top again trying to pull himself up. Picking him up, I sat him on my lap and he seemed to be content with that because it was only then he reached for his toys himself.

Well he could be demanding too.

"Mommy, look!" Olivia walked back in carrying bags of candy.

Jason walked in behind her with a bowl of popcorn.

"We have snacks." She got on the bed moving closer to sit right in the middle and looked at her brother. "Sorry Bryan. Dad said you're too young to have some."

Bryan simply stared at her for a few second before opening his small mouth to let out a yawn.

"It is nap time, after all." I chuckled.

Jason turned the TV on before giving the remote to Olivia who started going through the selection of her favorite movies. He moved to the side I was sitting on and laid down beside me. He looked down at our son who just rested his head against my chest looking ready to fall asleep.

"He's sleepy." Jason said softly poking Bryan's chubby cheek.

"Yeah." I smiled glancing at Jason. "I think he's the sweetest baby your family has ever had."

"I wouldn't be so sure. He babbles a lot. They could just be comebacks that don't make sense yet." He said and I shook my head tightening my hold around our baby, who already had his eyes closing.

"No. My baby's the sweetest."

"You said that about Olivia." He whispered glancing at our daughter who already picked a movie and had her eyes glued to the TV and her hand dipped in the popcorn bowl.

I furrowed looking at his smiling face. "And I was right. Our daughter is sweet."

He scoffed and that caused Olivia's attention to shift to us.

"Daddy, come sit beside me, please!" Olivia pouted patting her side of the bed.

Jason chuckled getting up to go to her.

He laid beside her opening his arms as she moved closer to him and sat close to her father. He wrapped his arms around her and a smile stretched on my face as the scene. I looked back at Bryan who was fast asleep and had his first closed around my top again.

Our family.

~The End~

My Love, My mistake (Knight family book#2)Where stories live. Discover now