Chapter 3 - Harry

Start from the beginning

‘’But how can I? I’ve never met him and I-‘’ Zayn cuts himself off, not sure which word was going to leave his mouth but he wasn’t quite ready to admit anything. Not if he just found out himself.

‘’You’ve been reading his thoughts and everything. It’s kind of like a creepy one-sided long-distance relationship,’’ Louis explains, shrugging like it wasn’t a big deal.

‘’That sounds awful. I’m awful,’’ Zayn sighs, placing his head in his hands and closing his eyes while he tries to think away the guilt that’s gradually building.

‘’Well, your intentions are good. There’s really nothing to worry about. Just… don’t act like a creep when you do find him, yea?’’ Louis says and pats his shoulder as he walks by on his way to the living room, leaving Zayn alone with his thoughts. This is why he can’t always talk to Louis. He leaves Zayn confused and even though he doesn’t do it on purpose he makes Zayn feel shitty.

He goes back to his bedroom where he looks down at the diary and decides it’s time to stop reading. There are still a lot of pages left but he wouldn’t feel comfortable reading them because it’s not absolutely necessary, and he knows enough now. Knows enough to possibly find the guy.


Zayn’s gotten ready in record time, his messenger bag slung over his shoulder and his scarf thrown haphazardly around his neck while simultaneously trying to walk down the stairs of his flat building without falling. It’s only a short walk to The Den and Zayn has to stop himself from nearly asking every guy he sees if they’ve lost a diary – which is currently in his bag. There’s a spring in his step and he can’t quite help the nervous smile on his face. When people start smiling back at him he realises he actually likes it and should probably smile more often – just for the hell of it.

It’s still morning so when he reaches the little café it’s not too busy, aside from a few students that are ambitiously working on their assignments. He shuffles up to the counter where Liam’s scrubbing the surface with a rag, whistling a soft tune. Liam’s been in a few of Zayn’s classes, so they’re somewhat familiar with each other.

‘’Zayn, mate! What can I get you? Haven’t seen you in a while,’’ Liam beams, slinging the rag over his shoulder and rubbing his hands together as the slight cold from outside Zayn brought in when he opened the door finally reaches him.

‘’Um, there’s actually – I don’t quite know how to ask…’’ Zayn starts, rubbing the back of his neck and clearing his throat. He’s suddenly incredibly nervous, his hands shaking and heart thumping wildly in his chest. Before Liam has a chance to ask anything, he continues.

‘’I found something that someone lost but the only thing I know is that they might be a regular here and their name starts with an H,’’ Zayn rambles on, catching his breath at the end of the sentence and trying to shake the nerves out of his system by wildly moving his hands at his sides. He must look ridiculous.

‘’Oh! I think you mean Harry? He’s lost his diary recently, hasn’t stopped moaning about it,’’ Liam jokes, rolling his eyes and adjusting the rag, keeping it from slipping off his shoulder. Harry, the name’s bouncing around the inside of Zayn’s skull and he has to stop himself from saying it out loud, just to test it. What it would feel like to finally say his name.

‘’Yea, it’s – I found a diary,’’ Zayn nearly chokes on his words, merely looks at Liam with wide eyes and suddenly has the strange urge to turn around. He feels like he’s being looked at.

‘’Really? Well look no further because Harry’s over there in the corner by the window. He’s the one pouting. Bloody child,’’ Liam mutters the last part but Zayn can’t be bothered to pay attention because he’s already turning around, eyes immediately flickering to the corner and-

Harry was looking at him, but quickly looked away and now he’s staring out the window, pretending he wasn’t just looking at Zayn. He’s suddenly very aware of his breakfast in his stomach and his dry throat and his sweaty hands and God, Zayn’s done for. Harry is absolutely beautiful, even from this far away. Luscious curls framing his face, like a painting. And his mouth, Zayn isn’t sure if he’s wearing lipstick because even from a distance they’re just so pigmented and he has to stop his train of thoughts because he’s losing his mind. Zayn is already comparing him to art and he hasn’t moved from his spot yet. He really has to stop looking like an idiot.

So he finally moves, tentatively puts his feet forward and with every step he comes closer to Harry and suddenly it feels like something clicks. Until now he’s been a person living inside Zayn’s head with no real appearance, almost an idea. Something he’s grown strangely attached to. But now he’s in front of him and Zayn is looking down into a pair of stunning green eyes and it feels like he’s having an out-of-body experience. There are so many things he wants to know but the first word that leaves his lips is the one he has been craving to say for what feels like his entire life.


Cliffhanger! Sort of.. That was chapter 3 :). Thank you so much for reading and voting! The next chapter will be up on Monday.

Laters xxx <3

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