After the heartbreak

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It had been a month or two since you had to end it with Catra. You missed her with all your heart, you two had been together for 8 years so who could blame you, but you knew you couldn't go running back to her. She made her choice to cheat so you made yours to stay away from her. You still couldn't believe that she cheated on you with scorpia of all people she had to cheat on you with your best friend. You didn't even know if either of them felt sorry for what they did to you. All you wanted was those 8 years of your life back that you had spent with Catra. You had decided to join the rebellion and help fight the horde but all you could think of was Catra. She had been the love of your life you thought she was your soulmate. You only realised now after it all that that was a foolish idea. You didn't know if she had ever loved you. She had been the one consistent thing in your life for so many years that you now felt your life had no order. You hated that feeling but now your love for Catra was being replaced by a new crush on Adora. On the day of the princess prom you and Adora decided to wear matching dresses since you two are best friends you wished that it could be more than friends but you knew it would never be anything more than a friendship. Glimmer and Bow were the only ones who knew about your feelings for Adora and they couldn't even reassure you that you and Adora would ever become more tan friends. It hurt knowing that but it was the truth Adora probably thought you weren't her type. While walking around the prom you spotted Catra and scorpia being all lovydovy and "we're the perfect couple". Once Catra noticed you she winked in your direction. It made you feel so many mixed emotions but mostly mad that only that look used to make you do anything she wanted. That's when you fully realised that she had never loved you. All she did was ask you for money or ignore you she had been using you. She's a lying,greedy gold digger nothing more nothing less. That made you more annoyed you had believed her lies of "I love you" and "your the only person I love" that second one was now very clearly a lie. How could you have been such a fool believing anything that came out of her mouth and treating it like gospel. You decided to go home saying to Adora,Bow and Glimmer "I feel really sick and light headed" the truth was you just wanted to be far away from Catra so you feelings for her couldn't come back. You wanted to get over her so you had to be far away from her no matter the cost of it.
Hello it's the writer the next chapters aren't gonna be copied from my oneshot book so it'll take longer to make chapters so I can't make any promises on when the next chapter will be done.
Word count: 539

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