Well, That Didn't Go As Planned

Start from the beginning

They lead her out of the hall, McGonagall in front of her and Percy behind her. Why they are walking like that is a mystery to her. Do they think she's going to run? Why? And besides, what would that accomplish?

Eventually they stop in front of the entrance of the headmaster's office and McGonagall gives the password. When they enter the room, Jay has a dark suspicion that this isn't going to end well. She can see both her parents, several teachers, two unknown men and the headmaster. Oh joy.

"Miss Potter, if you could take a seat," The headmaster waives his had at a chair in the middle of the room, every other chair is pointed in the direction of her chair and on a slightly higher part of the floor. Several people are standing. She knows what they are doing, it's just a simple intimidation act.

"I'd rather stand. Thank you." She replies, her tone flat as she drops her bag to the floor.

"Please, I must insist," The man smiles at her, one that is supposed to be friendly, but she know that the Headmaster is a shark behind the grandfatherly appearance. She looks at them for a second, and knows that she has no choice but to sit down. She picks up her bag and moves to the chair, only to walk past it and sit on a desk near another entrance.

The Headmaster is definitely disappointed that the plan failed, and he isn't the only one.

"He meant on the chair you brat." One of the men she doesn't know speaks up. Was he an auror? He was wearing the right kind of robes...

"He said sit down, he didn't specify where," She answers, her tone as flat as she can manage it. She won't play their games. She won't. they aren't worth her attention and if they demand it, then she'll do so on her own terms.

The man turns a nasty shade of red. "Now listen here you-"

"That will be enough, LaRoush," The Headmaster interrupts, "We're here to help her, not call her names."

The man -LaRoush- looks away, embarrassed at being corrected. Only...

"Help me?" The indigent tone slips out, and a frown made its way to her face, "What would I need help with? My grades are fine-"

"That isn't what we mean by that, Miss Potter." McGonagall looks straight at her.

The frown deepens, "Then what-?"

"May we see your bag, Miss Potter?" The Headmaster asks in a kind tone.

"Why? And no, you may not." She moves her bag so that it's next to her on the desk.

"Kid, just let us check the bag." LaRoush says. "We all know what you're doing, and there is no denying it,"

"Doing what?" She looks at her parents, who have been silent the entire time. "What are you on about?"

"Jennifer, just let them look in you bag," her father tells her, "Whatever is in there, we won't blame you. We'll still love you no matter-"

"Back up a little there. What is this about and what do you think you'll find in my bag besides books?" Jay asks. She's getting really angry now.

"We know that there is something not right Jennifer, we know that you're practicing the dark arts." Her mother speaks softly. She looks at her mother, who still won't make eye contact with her, like she's ashamed. She should be, even if she should be ashamed for entirely different reasons that she actually is.

"Dark arts?" Jay asks, completely lost at the delusional logic that her family is once again displaying. "And how have you reached that amazing conclusion?" she growls out.

Lily finally looks up at her, and looks her straight in the eyes, "Because of your behavior! Your standing with us, the way you dress-"

"There is nothing wrong with dressing the way I-"

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