Chapter 2: Much Like Your Parents (Lukas)

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The train came to a halt when we arrived at the platform. Students flooded out of their compartments and into the station. I could see girls holding on to their friends' hands as they got off the train. We were all told to leave our carry-ons behind in our compartments, that the staff would soon bring our belongings to our dormitories. What house will I sleep in tonight and for the rest of my years here? I wondered.

"You guys," James began, "are going to sail across the Black Lake to get to the castle." The tall, black haired boy pointed down the station where the younger students were gathering up.

"How come the older students don't have to take the boats?" Louis asked as he hopped off the train.

"It's a tradition for the first years," Freddie explained. "And it's the school's way of weeding out the weaklings. You better hope the giant squid doesn't shake your boat." I could see the devilish smirk that spread across his face under the light of the lamp posts in the station.

Rose slapped her cousin's arm. "Don't say that, Freddie!"

"Geez, I'm just playing with you guys."

"Well it's not funny." Alice crossed her arms trying to show Fred that she was looking down on him. "We're not that gullible . . . . But the squid won't really come for us, will it?"

James and Freddie burst into laughter and tried to hold themselves together. Freddie grasped onto James's shoulder with one hand and clutched his stomach with the other. Albus rolled his eyes and Louis softly chuckled.

"We'll be fine," Rose assured Alice. She grabbed her hand and guided her down the station. Albus, Louis, and I followed behind them.

"See you at the feast!" I called out.

"We'll save you a seat!" Freddie hollered. "You better be sorted into Gryffindor, Lukas!"

The sorting, I thought. I almost forgot all about it. I wanted to be in Gryffindor, and I truly felt like I belonged there. Great wizards came from Gryffindor. I wanted to be great, too.

"C'mon!" Alice called out.

I hadn't realized that I stopped in my tracks. I looked down at my feet firmly planted on the stone platform, then back to my friends. I quickly rushed over to the others and stuck close to Louis. We had reached the end of the station with all the other first years. Each and every one of them were itching to get on the boats and arrive at Hogwarts. We'll be there soon. We'll be sorted and assigned to dormitories. And that's when our adventure begins.

Guiding us down the narrow dirt path and to the Black Lake was a half-giant by the name of Hagrid. He held a lantern in his fingers. It was big to us but must've been a small thing to him. He kept saying "Firs' years! Firs' years! This way!" as we followed him.

"He's one of our professors," Albus mentioned to me. "Care of Magical Creatures. My cousins told me it's fairly easy and he's really nice. I haven't talked to him much but my dad wants me to have tea with him soon."

"Your family knows him?" I inquired.

"He and my family go way back."

We finally reached the end of the trail and came face to face with the calm body of water. Across the lake I could see the Hogwarts castle. A smile spreads across my face at the sight of it. Inside were warm yellow sources of light beaming out the windows of the tall towers. It was huge. It was extraordinary. It was grand.

"Three to four students to a boat! Four students at the most!" Hagrid informed us. The friendly giant turned his head and noticed us. "Goodness me! Is that Albus Potter? Along with Rose and Louis Weasley? Aw, and Alice! I almost forgot I'd be seeing you this evening!" He noticed me in the center of all of them. Hagrid bent down to get a good look at me. "You look familiar to me, but I can't seem to put my finger on it."

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