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Yuui walked down the sidewalk looking through the windows. She had been permitted by Lucifer to go shopping by herself after a particularly annoying day with the others. It wasn't as though she liked being away from them, but sometimes the peace was just needed. Aa Yuui was looking through one of the shop's windows she heard her name being called.


Yuui turned her head to see Simeon approaching her and smiled. If she was being honest, Yuui never minded seeing Simeon. He was a peaceful step down from the chaos in the House of Lamentation.

“Hi Simeon.”, Yuui greeted kindly, “How are you?”

“I'm doing fine Yuui.”, he replied, “What are you doing here? And by yourself I may add.”

“Lucifer gave me a day to myself since the others were being a lot more extreme than usual.”, Yuui explained, “So I'm looking around.”

“I see.”, Simeon nodded

“Wanna walk with me?”, Yuui asked, “I wouldn't mind the company.”

“Sure.”, Simeon smiled

Yuui and Simeon walked through the shopping area and talked about many different things.

“If you don't mind me asking. What did they do to annoy you so much?”, Simeon asked

“They decided to drag me into another one of their fights when it had nothing to do with me.”, Yuui sighed, “Sometimes I seriously wonder about them, ya know? They argue like there's no tomorrow. Still, just because they annoy me doesn't mean I care about them any less.”

“I think it's a good thing that you care about them.”, Simeon commented, “From what I've seen they care a lot about you, too.”

“Yeah.”, Yuui said, “I just wish they didn't argue so much.”

“Aren't siblings supposed to argue?”, Simeon asked

“Touché.”, Yuui smiled

The two continued to browse the stores and chat until it was time to go their separate ways. On her way back Yuui received a bunch of messages from the brothers.

Yo Yuui. We're sorry for arguing so much.

Yeah. Sorry Yuui.

Apologies Yuui.

I'm sorry Yuui.


Sorry Yuui

       It's okay guys. I forgive you.

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