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Uraraka's POV:

I wake up and look at the clock, 6.32am. I start to listen is anyone else up already, but I don't hear anything so maybe I'm first. I look at my phone and watch my messages. Only one from Toga 'Sleep well', I smile and write some answer 'Morning'. Then I put my phone on my bed and change my school uniform on. 

As I walk in kitchen I remember last night. Bakugou and Kirishima making out. I hope that they don't need to hide 'cause somebody would hate them or something. I think about everything while I'm making coffee.

First to wake up after me is Sero who look tired "Do you want some coffee after it's ready?" I smile kindly "Yeah sure thanks Uraraka" he give me some tired smile while trying not to fall a sleep. 

I turn my eyes on the clock and when it turn in 6.45am everyone's alarms turn on. Living room start to fill with tired students and I pour some coffee to myself. I walk in living room "Go get some coffee" I smile and I smile when couple of students say "Thanks". 

Then we argue who's gonna make breakfast today and then we decide that Deku, Todoroki and Ojiro can do it today. While they make some breakfast, I pack my school stuff. "Oh right I need to ask something from Aizawa-sensei" I realize and say out loud. 

"Breakfast is ready!" I hear Deku's yell. I go to take some pancakes and while I eat them Mina sit next to me "We have a girls night tonight in my room. Can you come?" she smile and I smile back "Of course I can come!" then she go to take some pancakes too. 

I look at Kirishima, who sit next to Bakugou. I smile to them and Kirishima smile back, but Bakugou just roll his eyes. Deku sit next to me "Hey Uraraka how did you sleep?" he smile looking still tired. "I slept well, did you?" I ask smiling. He nod and then it's already time to go in class.

Toga's POV:

I have been awake since 5am so when Dabi came out of his room looking really tired I decided to start a fight. Now I'm running away from Dabi's blue flames "Why are you trying to kill me? I just said-" I started giggling "You just said that he has a crush on Shigaraki" Spinner sigh while watching. 

Shigaraki walk in and I run to him "Do you have a crush on Dabi?" I smile and I swear that I can see some blush on his cheeks. Then I jump back when Dabi try to hit me with his flames. "Now stop that!" Kurogiri yell and I stop running. Dabi look at Shigaraki and turn his face really quick.

"Why are you all yelling?" Twice yawn while walking in with Mr. Compress. "They had some fight about Dabi and Tomura Shigaraki" Kurogiri say while watching Shigaraki. "It wasn't about us it was about Toga being stupid" Dabi mumble and I giggle back "I just told the truth"

I look at Tomura "What are we gonna do today?". "You? Nothing, but Twice and Dabi need to do something" he say while reading some news "Please Tomura I need to do something" I insist. "Toga I think you should be home today" Twice smile and I sigh "Fine" I mumble and go in my room. Maybe I should talk to Uraraka-chan. 

Then I remember that she have school. Still I watch my phone and smile when I see that 'Morning' message from Uraraka. I should enjoy this when I still can. She can realize who I am and then she would block me. 

I write something to her, but then I delete it. Then again and again. "What should I write? I can't just say that it was nice talk to her. Or can I?" I speak to myself, but end up writing 'Morning. Did you sleep well?' Maybe she will answer after school.

Skip 5 hours and 15 minutes

Uraraka's POV:

I watch how Kaminari walk out with Sero and now it's just me and Aizawa. "Aizawa-sensei can I ask something?" I walk to his table "Sure" he mumble while looking tired as always. "Can you tell me that girl's name. That blonde villain girl" . He look at me "Why do you wanna know?" and I look at the wall. I don't know why I wanna know. "It's just some feeling that I should know that" I say awkwardly. "Sorry Uraraka I can't tell it to you. All heroes decided together that it's better if you don't know yet" black haired teacher say.

I nod and walk away back to dorms. I look at my phone and smile when I see Toga's text. 

Uraraka: I slept fine, did you?

Toga: Yeah. How was you're school day?

Uraraka: Oh it was fine

Toga: Cool

Uraraka: By the way what school are you in?

Toga: Oh I'm just in some little school

Uraraka: Oh okay. What is you're quirk? I mean if you don't have one it's okay too.

Toga: I can transform into physical lookalike of another individual. I can even copy their voice.

Toga's POV:

Why did I wrote that? I'm kinda scared how much I trust her already even when she doesn't know who I am. 

Uraraka: That's cool!

Toga: Your quirk is really cool too! I mean it's awesome!

Uraraka's POV:

I can feel that blush again in my cheeks. Do I have a crush on a girl who I haven't even met? No it can't be like that. 

Uraraka: Can I ask some really weird question?

Toga: Sure?

Uraraka: How does it feel when you are crushing?

Toga: Uhm...wait I think something

Toga: When you have a crush. You have butterflies in you're stomach when you're talking or being with them. 

Uraraka: Okay

Toga: Sorry I can't tell anything else.

Uraraka: No no it's fine

I put my phone on the floor and go lie down while watching my roof. I can hear how I get a message from someone. Probably from Toga, but I should go in Mina's room. She can wait a little bit.

Toga: Why do you ask?

Uraraka: I'm just trying to figure out am I crushing. I know it's weird.

Toga: I think it's normal to think something like that:)

Uraraka: Do you have a crush on somebody then?

Toga: Uhm...Yeah I do

Uraraka: Oh that's sweet! Is he from you're school?

Toga: Oh it's she...

Uraraka: Aww! Sorry for saying he first. 

Toga: It's okay and no she's not in my school.

Uraraka: Okay. Where did you met then?

Toga: How do you know have I met her?

Uraraka: You haven't?

Toga: Not really

Uraraka: So you can have a crush on somebody who you haven't even met?

Toga: Yeah

Uraraka: Cute

Toga: By the way

Uraraka: Yeah?

My door open and Mina walk in "Uraraka we are waiting for you!" she yell while dragging me of my bed. I leave my phone on my bed and go with Mina. I can hear how I get a message, but I can read it later.

Toga: I hope we can still talk, but...

Toga: You are my crush

- - - - -

Word count: 1167

From hating to loving (Toga x Uraraka)Where stories live. Discover now