chapter two

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My eyes open slowly to the sound of my alarm, my hand tapping my bedside cabinet a couple of times before it hits the off button. I lay there for a moment, staring up at my white ceiling before I decide that I've laid in long enough as I hear the shuffling of feet down the stairs that are situated outside of my door. 

I stand up, stretching my arms as a yawn slips through my lips before I walk over to the window, opening the curtains just as my Mother pulls out the driveway to go to work. My eyes continue to stare outside as I watch others begin their morning journeys before I decide I should start getting ready. My hand turns the brass knob of my bedroom door, opening it for the dogs before my feet take me to the wardrobe that's situated in the corner of my room, my feet padding against the alabaster carpet. Sure enough, Willow wanders in before she lays by my feet, mirroring my actions as I look through the vast selection of neutral coloured clothes. I end up picking a pair of acid washed jeans with holes purposely ripped into the jeans and a grey jumper, closing the wardrobe doors I make sure Willow's nose isn't knocked before walking into the ensuite bathroom this time closing the door this time to prevent the dogs from invading my privacy.


Sitting on the bottom steps, I tie the shoelaces of my slightly dirty white converses into a double knot before standing up and walking into the kitchen, picking up the tea which was made for me minutes before I came down. I walk through the house until I reach the backdoor, stepping out once I see the familiar figure of my Father outside. I place the mug down before I pick up the partially-full box of cigarettes that is situated on the same wooden table, taking one out before lighting it. 

"Morning, how's the jet lag?" I inhale the nicotine before I sit down in the chair opposite my Dad who copies my actions with his own cigarette in hand. He replies with a nod and a smile, "Not too bad, your mums feeling it even though she's got to work". I shrug my shoulders before I lean further into the plush navy cushions, taking a long sip of my tea with my free hand. 

"You're still bitter aren't you?" A smirk replaces his smile as his eyes flicker between me and the small pack of dogs that have emerged from the house. "Bitter? I'm pissed, Dad. I need to start from scratch here. I could've fast tracked my Midwifery studies but no, I have to work ten times harder and do another two years of school". I sigh once my rants finish and I place my mug down and tap the ash from the cigarette into the designated tray in the middle of the table. My dad hums in agreement as he takes another drag from his cigarette. "I get what you mean, love. I do but we agreed to move back as soon as we could". He stands up after his explanation and stamps the cigarette out before walking towards the door.

I sigh, the smoke slithering from my parted lips as I look at the dreary sky. As my face turns into a frown, I whip my head towards my retreating Father before he makes his escape, "Remember I'm the one who's been keeping this a secret!", I shake the box of Cigarettes, seeing him shake his head in reply as he finally walks through doorway. I roll my eyes at his silent answer, taking a deep inhale of my legal addition, knowing arguing won't change their plans that are already set in stone.


"Aelin! It's nice to see you, thanks for coming round" Charlie smiles as he opens the front door for me. I reciprocate the same smile and I step into the house, stuffing my keys into my pocket. I rub my hands together to warm them up from the wintery conditions outside as I look around the house, some memories of my younger years popping into my head as I do so. 

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