★彡 having no motivation

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so like. i love writing. love it sis. i genuinely love writing all of the fanfiction i write. so like i'm just giving you some opinions and stuff.

so like barbie doll omg i love it. so like, in general, it was the first pjo fanfic i wrote. then like swedish nightingale is amazing and i stan it. annoying git, low key love the willow x harry relationship. commentator, omg lydia is so precious i stan such a precious baby. amnesiac, i love all the oc's. and like underworld omd gwen my baby.

but like the problem is as much as i love writing and writing character development, i don't exactly have motivation to write rn. like i'm pooped, as in to say i think i used up all my writing juice.

like i think this morning (i live in the uk btw) i was writing and then i came back to it and i was like no what i don't feel like writing.

hence the downhill spiral of no motivation. it's a bit disappointing really because i actually want to write and see people read my books. but like... i can't be fucking arsed to. like i.... just can't be arsed.

also i general i feel like i'm going through a smol writers block. but i feel bad??? because i know some people want to read what i write??? so like me having a writers block is stopping them from seeing the rest of the story???

i feel bad owo.

but like, that's probably just me. like before, the reason i updated some stories was because i owed it to the people who read it. ie you bumped me and kiss or slap. and in all honesty, kind of glad i didn't finish writing them. low key hated the plots of both. if i was to ever rewrite it i don't think i'd go with the way i did before.

anyway, that's been me... having no motivation....

✨✨that's it sis✨✨

𝐏𝐎𝐂𝐊𝐄𝐓 𝐅𝐔𝐋𝐋 𝐎𝐅 𝐏𝐎𝐒𝐈𝐄𝐒 ― misc.जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें