Part 8

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We keep fight each other, aku sibuk dengan kerja aku, dia sibuk dengan life game dia, weird ? Yes ofc seems like he didn't give any effort to support my own life. Dia tido 2-3pagi and bangun 12-1petang, while me bangun 7am and balik kerja 10pm and bertahan until 12am just because to talk with him🙂

Sad ? But that was true bro. In fact we are fight to much. About attention, about time, about love..

Yes, we fight and i said, that enough, lets end here but my stupid ass said "please give him one more change and he will change trust me"

So yea, we back together until in the end i left my work because of him, actually aku penat gaduh, aku penat kerja, aku penat kene marah dengan boss. So aku decided nak berhenti without say anything dekat my boss, just left, yes left like that.

So then I think with my dumb brain, maybe i have so many time to spent with my boyfriend 🤩💓 and to be honest, i was a morning person and my boyfriend was not. He will not wake up until he want,, so the point? Is useless because i cant change a boy like i want. Dia kene ubah diri dia sendiri am i right. But i was dumb, aku paksa jugak untuk terima dia, eh sumpah la orang bercinta punya akal fikiran ni agak bodoh dan bangang 😭😔

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