"Let's go!" I opened my door and hopped out, shutting it quickly. Clay laughed and was by my side in a moment. Suddenly he froze.

"Shit." He swore loudly. I whipped around.


"Holly get back to the car."

"But I'm starving!"

"No Holly. You need to get back. Rogues are-" he was cut off by a menacing growl. I flipped around to the forest to see five or six wolves surrounding us, and three surrounding the car. The opening I saw led to the forest. Crap.

Clay I'm going to run into the forest. Before he could reply I bee-lined it to the forest, knowing the wolves would be following me. I hoped I would give Clay time to shift. 

Ryan, rogues. Was all I could manage as I ran through the trees. I could hear the sound of paws hitting the ground and low growls closing in on me. 

I know where you are. Ryan told me. I could hear the anger behind his calm facade. I kept running. Crap crap crap. I felt something swipe at my leg, causing me to fall down. I put out my hands in time to brace myself for the impact. I felt my hands get cut as I fell to the forest floor and I hissed out with pain. I quickly scrambled up to my feet, turning to the wolves who surrounded me. There were three, and I could tell they were not happy that I had run for it.

"Um, hi." I told them. Why on earth was I talking to them? The one closest to me growled in response. He bore his teeth at me and prepared to pounce. 

The werewolf threw himself at me. I shut my eyes tight, trying to think of a way to defend myself. Nothing hit me, so in my surprise I opened my eyes again. The werewolf was completely still in midair. I saw vibrations around him. The sound waves I had seen in my vision. Instinctively I willed the vibrations to focus in on the wolf. Time unfroze and the wolf was immediately knocked unconscious. 

The other two wolves whipped their heads around, trying to find the threat. I willed myself to see the vibrations again, to defend myself. I saw it around the brown wolf furthest from me, and I threw the vibrations to the left. The wolf flew to the left and hit a tree, falling unconscious. The third wolf must have realized that I was the one doing it, and he turned back toward me, growling ferociously. I tried to make the vibrations appear again but fear took over me. The wolf growled and slowly slunk toward me. 

I love you Ryan. I called. The vibrations still wouldn't appear. My eyes widened as the wolf stood only five feet in front of me. Another ferocious growl ripped through the forest and I flash of black tackled the wolf to the ground. Before the rogue could react I heard a sickening snap, and the wolf fell limp. I felt tears building up in my eyes. My body started to shake and I couldn't do anything. I could hear sobs break through my throat. Ryan had saved me. I saw a few other wolves run in behind Ryan and they approached the ones I had knocked unconscious. They took their tails in their mouth and pulled them away. A dark brown wolf with dark brown eyes stood behind Ryan, staring at me. Sobs continued to rip through my body. 

Holly. Ryan mindlinked. He slowly approached me and nuzzled my limp hand with his nose. His touch began to calm me. 

Someone get me some shorts. I heard him mindlink. A minute later a wolf threw some at him. Ryan shifted and threw on the shorts, then pulled me into his arms.

"Holly. I'm here now. You're okay." My breathing began to slow. Being in Ryan's arms made me feel safe. He kissed my head.

"Clay, tell your Luna to come get us. We need to get back and talk to Vince." Ryan turned his head to address the dark brown wolf. 

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