[AU] Prom Night Part 2

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Julian didn't know why he asked Faye out to the prom.

He knew that he had been rejected several times by her and the chances that she would say yes is not high, yet he still asked, despite everything.

To his utmost surprise, Faye agreed.

And what came as a greater shock to him was that he was not happy after she agreed.

Julian was excited for sure.. But that only lasted for a few hours after she agreed to go with him.

He felt like something was missing but he wasn't sure what.

Julian knew that Emma was going to go with his brother, Mark. After all, she had been pinning over Mark for such a long time and he would never deny her anything if he could help it.

He didn't feel very comfortable, though he knew that she would be safe with Mark. After all, Mark is a gentlemen and very sweet to everyone.

Julian was still thinking of Emma when he picked Faye up from her house.

Faye was dressed beautifully in a rather simple and slightly too revealing(in julian's opinion) dress that was rather short.

He decided not to comment on the dress and complimented her on her beauty.

Faye smiled back sweetly but Julian realised that his heart didn't flip like it usually did when she smiled.

They drove to school rather silently with Faye checking her Instagram and other social media apps, obviously very busy.

Julian suddenly felt like an escort. Like he was nothing but someone for Faye to hold on to when they went into the school. After all, they would eventually go seperated ways once they reach the venue since Faye had a huge group of friends which Julian wasn't terribly fond of.

Julian tried to strike a conversation but the effort he made went out the window when he realised she was texting animatedly with one of her guy friends--which was no surprise to him since she was pretty much friends with everyone in the school.

With her charm and beauty, almost everyone liked her. But the keyword is almost. Emma doesn't really like her. Julian didn't understand why Emma didn't like Faye, though he never asked and she never openly expressed her dislike, Julian could see it in Emma's eyes everytime they pass by Faye in school.

Julian didn't want to be friends with somebody his best friend didn't approve of... But he couldnt help himself but to be swept away by Faye.

When they finally reached school, Julian stepped out first to open the door for Faye. She held on to his hand as they walked in formally to the school.

Immediately, almost everybody's eyes were on them, well specifically Faye.

He caught a glimpse of his best friend's honey blonde hair that was curled up beautifully.

He called out to Emma, hoping to talk to her and enjoy the night together but Emma only turned to face him for a second before continuing to walk in the opposite direction.

Faye was soon swarmed by friends and Julian stood at the entrance, alone and confused.

Hii everyone!! Sorry for the lack of communication haha I get lazy sometimes and don't write any notes at the bottom of a chapter yikes..
Anyways, I hope you enjoyed julian's pov and yes, there will be a part 3 in which they finally get some actual interaction haha. I'm also planning to write other AUs so watch out for that ;)
Thanks for the support and be sure to leave a like if you like the story so far!! It really encourages me and tells me that people are actually enjoying to story so far haha...

Anyways bye for now!!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04, 2020 ⏰

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