"I'll be lying if I say I wasn't considering it though. Just by the tone of voice. She sounds as if she was hurt by what happened to her. She was just filled with so much hatred and pain that it hurts to just even look at her. I know it's not possible that she could be my sister but, it got me thinking,"

"Maybe you right," this time it was Uncle Ted who spoke. He leaned forward in his chair and rest his hands on the table before looking up at me to catch my gaze. "What?" I asked him with narrowed eyebrows. Confusion filled my head and it showed on my face. "The night that I found you, Ellie, you were just barely over the Eastern borders. It was a dark and rainy night when I was patrolling that side of the border alone. Mariah just found out that she was not pregnant and it hit us hard because we've been trying for a long time and we were just about to consider adopting a child but then I decided to take over one of my friend's shifts on border patrol. I heard a baby crying coming in from the East and immediately I ran in that direction thinking that it needed help. I followed the noise and it lead me to the very edge of the Eastern Border. I saw your basket and I took a look inside and saw a baby wrapped in a soaked blanket with the letter 'E' on it. You were so beautiful. I was captivated by you the minute I saw you. I picked you up and that's when I decided to take you back to pack," It was when I realized that it was my story that I started to relax a bit. I asked Uncle Ted about my parents a long time ago and he told me the story of how he found me. I admit I was saddened as a child and would cry myself to sleep wondering why my parents would leave me at the edge of a pack borders. But sometimes when I hear the story I would tell Uncle Ted that he is my knight in shining amour because he saved me that night. Why was he telling the story now though?

"But I still heard crying and I realized that the source of the crying was not the baby in my arms. I looked over the borders and saw another basket further away into the rogue territory. I could've gone for it but I didn't. I thought it was some kind of a trick to get me off the territory so the rogues could ambush me. No matter how hard I try I didn't believe my thoughts and just for a split second I was almost over the Eastern Borders ready to save the baby that was in the basket. It was probably soaking wet and scared to death and I wanted nothing more than to save it. Every being in my body was telling me to rush over, grab the basket and run back onto pack territory," he said to everyone but his eyes remained on me. I looked away from him. This is all getting too much. "But I didn't. I couldn't risk the safety of the pack. So with a heavy heart, I turned my back and walked away from the baby that was inside the basket. I never told anyone except the Alpha Family and Mariah. My decisions haunt me every day. Especially because I know I robbed you of a sibling," he looked down in shame. I bet I could tell what was going on in his mind right? 

"So you mean to tell me that all my life I might have a sister and I didn't even know about it?" I asked him. I wasn't sure if I was upset with him or not but I am surprised. I mean what that girl said was true. Now I feel guilty trying to kill her last time. I understand why Uncle Ted didn't save her the way he saved me. he wanted to protect the pack. But it was a baby. An innocent child that was left in the middle of rogue territory crying out for someone to save her. 

"I am sorry, Ellie," He replied but he didn't lift his head to meet my eyes. "We all are," Luna Aubrey said to me. It only just occurred to me that they knew too. Christian and Carl sat quietly beside me listening to everything peacefully. Then I looked at the person who's been quiet the entire time. "Did you know?" I asked him. He clenched his jaw when he looked away for a split second before facing me again. That answered my question before he did. "Mom and Dad told me the story a few days before you did," he replied as he looked me in the eye. 

I shook my head before returning my eyes to Uncle Ted. "So everyone knew except me?" It wasn't a question though. I wanted to lash out and be angry at them all for keeping this away from me my entire life. I wanted to cry out in anger. I wanted to punch something. If I had known, the minute I turned 18 I would've looked for her. I would've spent my life searching for her. If only I had known. But I calmed myself down. I don't want what happened in the forest to happen again. "Well, seems as though we're all spilling our guts is there anything else that anyone would like to share?" I asked them all. 

They looked at each other but no one replied. I take that as a no. "Well then. Alpha Jacob, how do you presume we continue with this?" I saw a flash of hurt run across his face but I didn't care. It's time I stop letting people in. All they do is hurt. Even family. Before he could even reply there was a knock on the door. 

"Come in," Jacob said to the person and one of the pack warriors appeared from behind the door. "My apologies for interrupting, but a rogue happen to stumble across our territory. We have her in containment but she wants to speak with Enforcer Ellie," he said to everyone in the room and I raised an eyebrow at him. "Any idea who it is?" I asked him. Normally I don't meet the rogues that we capture. Only when I'm supposed to interrogate them but other than that I don't interact with them. 

"Your sister,"


Now what about that, Ellie just found out she had a sister just a few days ago and decided to come clean with her family. But turns out she's not the only one who spilled their gut. Now her sister has been captured? Makes you wonder if something bad is about to happen. Continue reading to find out. Don't forget to vote and leave a comment down below. 



The Alpha and The Enforcer [TATE] (STILL EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now