Chapter 40 - Bonjwa Σ(°△°||!

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Author: Mo Bao Fei Bao
English Translator: hoju


Chapter 40
Bonjwa Σ(°△°||!

Within twenty minutes, the match had come to an end.

Inside the small chat room, the gamers that had been ruthlessly defeated were still boiling with exhilaration and spamming the chat screen...

ImAGodYouKnow: Begging not to be kicked out...

BrainDeadNumero7: Begging for another match...

KillLalala: ... Is God Gun really online? Or just AFK [away from keyboard]? Why didn't I see him just now?

DieLalala: Gun??????? Begging for another match!!!!

TheLittleMatchstickThatSellsGirls: I think God Gun was AFK...

KillLalala: Still happy, even if he was AFK. Just being able to run into g Shuai and 97 is RP[1] [good karma] erupting off the charts, you know!

BrainDeadNumero7: Ya... Being beaten and battered to the point it feels awesome is also a form of blessing...


Tong Nian was gnawing on her fingernails, deep in pondering. Why had they won just like that? Oh, and while she was at it, she continued to be stuck on the question of why you had to use your keyboard to move your character around... Although, she had already learned how to use the keyboard to move forward, backward, left, and right as well as jump, throw objects, do front flips, do back flips...

"Yaya." She addressed the person beside her.

"Uh-huh, uh-huh?" With Yaya's state of euphoria, the only thing she was missing was a giant tail behind her that she could wag to and fro.

"Why do you need to use the keyboard to move in this game?" She did not really dare ask Gun. "Before, when I played God with... with my cousin, we used the mouse to move around. Isn't that really convenient?"

She had finally gotten accustomed to how to move around, how to use a skill... and had thought that she was at least practiced in the trade now.

Who would have thought that once she switched over to Tempest of the Sealed Chamber, everything would be completely different?

And she did not dare ask Gun, either...

He would certainly then ask her what she had played initially and with whom.

And then, that would let the cat out of the bag, right? Getting the wrong guy and chasing after grunt to game with him was just too humiliating!

Plus, she felt a strange sense of guilt, as if she had been unfaithful to him behind his back T.T...

With an "uh," Yaya contemplated over how she could clearly explain to a gaming idiot the answer to this question. "Usually, DotA-like games, ones like League of Legends, Heroes of the Storm, God, etc., all use the mouse to move the character around, but for Sealed Chamber, you generally use the keyboard to move."
She was bewildered. "But you can move with the mouse, too."

"Yes, you can, but those who really play all use the keyboard. Only noobs and people who are just wasting away their time will use the mouse. Sealed Chamber is a simulation game, with all sorts of little, detailed actions like jumps, front flips, etc. and they are all controlled with the keyboard. A mouse is simply not able to handle so many actions."

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