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"It's so curious: one can resist tears and 'behave' very well in the hardest hours of grief. But then someone makes you a friendly sign behind a window, or one notices that a flower that was in bud only yesterday has suddenly blossomed, or a letter slips from a drawer... and everything collapses."


Nadya's POV (you're welcome)

I walk up the wooden steps of my house and let out a huge sigh. Zatzu will be expecting me back in Seattle soon. If Megan is awake I will have to make her go to sleep or something. My mind runs in all different directions, not letting me notice a upset looking Meg. She has on a loose white tee with a band logo on it. Such a sexy look for my love.

"Where have you been the past day and a half?" Megan bit.

"With my parents." I lie.

She shoves me away from our bedroom door.  I fall over in shock at her strength put into that shove. Okay, either she is very upset or just really strong. I watch as Meg pace in circles around me. My body just lays on the ground, hoping my girlfriend would calm down.

"Baby please, I-"

"Don't fucking baby me, Nadya! I know something is up with you. This whole time you've been 'visiting your parents' was a huge lie probably. What, are you cheating on me? Fell in love with a big rich producer who makes more money than he or she cam count? Gosh." She shouted.

I bit my bottom lip. She is very upset then. And I would never cheat on her like a two-timing hooker. Megan is the love of my life, and this secret is eating me alive. But my family comes first. That's hard to say but it's very true.

"Look, Megan. Baby. I have been faithful in this relationship for how long now? You can trust me." She stops her pacing bad glares at me. Her eyes have never been so full of anger before. Not even the talk about her parents. Sigh. Only if she knew.

"I don't know what to believe anymore, Nadya," I watch as Megan walks towards our bedroom door. "Maybe it's best if I leave for awhile. We aren't breaking up but, I desperately need time to think things through."

I follow her around the house as she grabbed some of her belongings. Everthing was just a complete failure. This wasn't apart of the plan at all! My love, my heart, my soul is leaving me.

"Talk to me, Megan!" I beg.

She slowly whispers, "Who is Zatzu?"


"I don't have a clue what you're talking about."

A tear slid down her beautiful skin which made my heart break slowly.

"I thought we were going somewhere. But all these lies are too much to bare. One day I will learn to accept you. For now, we need a long break." She cried.


Megan's POV

I sat on the boat that was driving us back to mainland Hawaii. My head was a swimming with thoughts tgat weren't healthy. Was Nadya cheating? Am I not good enough? Is there more I can do? No. This wasn't my fault at all! She lied so many times to me.

The sound of people fill my ears as we reach the beach. Tourist were taking pictures of the beautiful crystal clean water. I love Hawaii. It was a bold choice to move here. I grab my duffel bag and walk up the wooden dock. Out the corner of my eye a man with the stupidest smirk on his face stared at me. Chills went up my spin but I ignore it.

"Welcome to mainland Hawaii! Would you like a tour guide for today's events? Tonight is our 56th carnival event." A middle age woman squealed.

"No thanks." I mutter, continuing my way through the crowd of people. Once I reached the desert street everything had  quiet down. Everyone must be at the beach or carnival on another island.

"You know Megan, I thought you would be smart enough not to leave, Nadya." A voice hissed.

I froze.

Who knows me and most importantly, what do they want?

"Who are you?" I quiver.

The person comes from out the shadows and my eyes widen. It was the man from the beach. The one with the creepy smirk! He took slow steps foward while took steps back. My heart felt as if it would bust out at any minutes.

"My name isn't important at the moment. What's important is that you come with me before you're killed. Unless, you go back to Nadya."

I shake my head. "You're crazy! I don't even know you if that ever crossed your sick mind. And someone is out to kill me? Who would possibly want to kill me? A big bad murderer?" I throw my arms up in frustration.

The man sniffs the air and then puts on that ugly smirk again. Okay, this man is delusional. I reach into my back pocket for my phone. If he attacks I'll be prepared to call the police. My eyes widen at the thought of being attacked by a crazy person.

I watch the man shake his head, as if to get rid of a disturbing thought. "Never mind. Just watch out, Megan because everything isn't as it seems."

And he was gone.

Author Note:

Okay. Don't kill me just yet.

So wierd chapter huh? It was kinda a spur of the moment kind of thing. Figured that some girlxgirl drama was much needed.

How was Christmas? New Years? Tell me in the comments.

Also, any idea who that dude was? Do any of you want Nadya and Megan to get back together?

I start school on again on Tuesday so chapters won't be as frequent. They will most likely take longer to write up and post.

And yeah.

Make sure to comment, vote, and share this story.


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