Prolouge // Murders

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***WARNING: This story contains scenes that include different types of self harm, depression, suicidal thoughts, blood, and PTSD. Read at your own risk***

Rated PG-13
Christiana's POV
Secondary school is hard. I know some people are gonna say Well just wait for college, well you know why I say? Well clearly you never went to James S. Gorener Secondary School!

At James S. Gorener Secondary School, or just Gorener Secondary School, they push you to the limit! And I don't mean they simply just are strict, which they are, but my school makes you grow gray hairs. Not even joking. Half the school, including me, has grown gray hairs. To make things even worse about today, I had not one, not two, but four tests today that count for almost 40% of my grade. EACH. I studied non-stop and even till 5 o'clock in the morning. So yah I only got about an hour of sleep. Also, its a Monday so I cant even sleep in today. Anyway, I'm just glad I'm going home. I could take a little nap and then maybe start my homework at around 6:30. Thanks to all test I had, I don't have too much homework. I guess that the only thing that's good about today.

I go to my locker and insert my combination to get a few things out. When I'm finished, I close my locker only to find someone behind it.


"Good god Amy!" I jumped.

She giggles. "So how was your day?"

"Tiring. I had four tests today that basically murdeered my soul. On the bright side of things, I don't have that my homework for once in my life."

"Don't be such a wuss."

"Yah, yah."

"Hey do you think you could come over today?" She asked me.

"Amy, we live in the same house."

"I know!" she giggles. You see, Amy is my identical twin sister. We had a bond that no one could describe. She is in fact my best friend. We did everything together and (cliché) share the same bed room.

Out of nowhere, my best guy friend, Tony, scared both me and Amy.

"Hello girls."

"Hi, Tony," said Amy and I.

"How was your day?"

"Tiring!" I say.

"Sounds stressful," Tony said.

"Hey do you want to come over?" I asked.

"Yah, I don't really have anything better to do anyway," Tony complained with a laugh.

We walk to the parking lot and see that my bus finally came. It's not that great riding on the bus considering all the kids do is just goof around and talk about rumor going on and or studying techniques. My school's full of geeks.


Amy and I sat next to one another with Tony in the seat across from us while I put my ear buds in and listened to The Beatles. Yes, I like them. I like REAL music. And a little rap but you get my point!

25 1/2 minutes later we finally made it to my house. Today seemed like a normal day. Dad's car was in the driveway as well as mum's. This was normal, mum worked at the local bakery a couple blocks down and dad was a doctor working at our local hospital. I know what you thinking. A baker and a doctor? Well, my mum actually runs a 5-star-rating bakery and even has astounding reviews from all sorts or critics! She's pretty much the best baker in all of Holmes Chapel! As for my dad, he's one of the best doctors at the hospital and has even won awards for his work! So yah... These are my parents!

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