Chapter 17

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I stayed in the hospital for two days because I could not go to the bathroom. They found that as a cause for concern, so I had to stay. It pissed me off because the hospital beds were really uncomfortable and my sisters were extra annoying when you can't walk away from them.

I did get my first sonogram and was reassured that the baby was doing well, though. They were still running some tests to make sure that there would not be any defects from anything that happened, but the results still were not in when I got to go home.

When I left the hospital, Paris drove my car while Micah sat in the back seat with me. It was interesting to see his tall, over six foot tall lanky body fit into the tiny ass back seat, especially because I had to prop my leg up on his lap since it was still casted.

I was breathless as Paris pulled up to my new place of residence. It was a house, Micah promised that it was only a rental until we built ours on the land he purchased for us, and it was enormous. It was beige siding, had a large front door actually, it could be a double door, and had a three car garage attached. Oh, and the part of the house that was not siding, it was a gorgeous red brick that accentuated the colors.

Paris pulled up the circle drive near the front door. Micah slowly slid out from under the weight of my casted leg to be able to help me out of the other side of the car and into the house.

Instead of bothering with the set of crutches that the hospital gave us, he carried me bridal style into the house through the door that Aires held open for us. The inside was even more outrageous than the outside was which surprised the living daylights out of me. Micah was simpler than I was and yet we were renting this monstrosity of a house.

The foyer expanded the length of my old bedroom at the apartment. There was highly expensive decor covering the walls and a real wood side table full of flowers close to the door.

"Micah, please tell me you did not buy all of this fancy shit," I asked him as he headed for the large staircase that wound up in a circular shape.

"We are renting the house, as is, babe. Everything was already here, I promise," he brought me up the stairs and into the bedroom. We passed through the hallways and I noticed that every piece of wood matched the side table in the foyer, even the stairs.

The master bedroom was done up in the same dark brown wood and then an accent color of gold. The comforter on the bed held both colors.

"This is our room; there is a room sized closet, a bathroom with a Jacuzzi tub, and a really nice shower. The house has five bedrooms, I have not even gotten a chance to explore it all yet. It is that big. Everything costs more than all of the gear I have gotten over all the years I have played hockey. We are only here until our house gets built. I promise. This is way too much for us, way too fancy, don't you think?" I nodded as he set me down on the bed and sat with me there. He grabbed one of the many pillows and used it to prop up my leg.

"Who owns it?" I asked glancing around. All that was there besides furniture was a few articles of clothing that looked like Micah's belongings. Otherwise, it was bare, no artwork in here.

"Coach's wife. It was her parents' place. They owned the Slashers for years before handing it over to Mr. Mahoney, their son."

"So Coach and the owner are relatives?" I questioned him and he answered with a nod.

"No one else knows. Being the captain has its advantages. It is ours for as long as we need it. It usually sits empty, so she was more than happy to let us have it. Plus, there's an extra security system that I like to have now that we have gone through that episode."

"When are you going back to playing hockey?" I asked quietly as I leaned back, trying to get comfortable. I was getting a little tired from the drive from the hospital to the house. It was the most I have done physically since they found me. It was kind of a lot.

"When I think you are okay enough to stay by yourself. Your sisters leave tomorrow and you are not ready to be in this house by yourself. I am concerned for you and your safety."

"And I'm concerned that you are not going to finish your hockey season. You are already letting yourself go, yeah, I can see that flab you have going there, buddy. I still love you, but you need to stop with the fast food my sisters eat and start going back to the gym."

"That is the best part, there is a gym downstairs. I can get back in shape without ever leaving the house or you. It is great, right?" I just nodded and slowly my eyes drifted closed. I quickly reopened them."Get some sleep, babe. We can talk later. Yell if you need anything, I'll be listening for you," he kissed my forehead and left me to my slumber.

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