MC Details

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Main Character
Name: Shin Okazaki
Quirk: Flint
Age: 13
Height: 5'8 or 176 cm
Blood Type: A
Likes: Eating
Hair color: Black with a red stripe
Skin color: Mixed color

Synopsis: Shin decided to be a hero after he lost his brother who was trying to save him. His older brother was his sole motivation, trained him when he unlocked his quirk. He doesn't have any favorite superheroes and although he wants to be a hero, he despises All Might for not being there to save his brother, who was also a hero called Imperium.

Quirk: Flint
Quirk Type: Space Type
Description: It creates a air tight barrier that can be used in different ways, including enhancing speed and strength. Besides enhancing speed and strength, his quirk can be used in defense as well as creating a platform to stand on when he is in the sky. Shin discovered that he could use his quirk inside his body, thus using it to manipulate cell division in his muscle cells for strength and creates a lighter blood flow in his body for speed.

Father: Shira Okazaki
Quirk: Combustion (Turning oxygen into flame or heat)
Status: CEO of Chem Lab Corp
Age: 45
Blood Type: A

Mother: Sara Bennett Okazaki
Quirk: Windforce (creates wind attacks)
Status: Disabled
Age: 43
Blood Type: B

Brother: Shiro Okazaki
Quirk: Transporter (A teleporting quirk)
Status: Deceased
Age: 20
Blood Type: AB

Power Moves and Attacks

Sky High
This creates a platform in he can stand if he is in the sky, e.g falling from a far building or reaching the sky.

Rocket Launch
He uses his ability to control his strength to either his right or left hand and jumps up using gravitational acceleration to make his punch be more powerful.

Thin Line
Air tight barrier that he uses as a shield that can withstand any attack depending on his condition

Razor Strike
Uses a karate chop to attack his opponents vital organs, with the use of his quirk, he turns his hands into a sort of weapon or sword

Imperial Finish
He dashes around his opponents before giving them a blow from his barrier like quirk. The barriers then trap the opponent and receives multiple aerial attacks, depending on we he is focusing his attack on.

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