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"ugh, i'm so tired."

atsumu stood up and stretched his arms before sitting back down beside kenma.

"what did you even
do last night?"

atsumu faced sakusa and winked at him, causing the latter to scrunch up his face.

"as if."

"i was just jokin'!"

"me and my friends
hung out last night
and i didn't even get
to sleep."

sakusa checked his watch before looking at atsumu yawn.

"there's still time before
this class finishes, so you
should take a nap."

"nah, it's fine."

atsumu sat straight and stuffed his hands in his pockets.

sakusa noticed how atsumu wasn't being his usual jolly self today. he had been spacing out a lot, and he wasn't joking around as much as before.

it made him worried. 'he must've thought i'm stupid enough to not notice it,' he thought, mentally scoffing.

sakusa mirrored atsumu's actions before clearing his throat.

"you're hiding
what is it?"

atsumu didn't face him.

"what do ya
mean, omi-kun?"

sakusa sighed. he thought it was too obvious how atsumu was acting like he doesn't know what that question meant.

bothering you?"

atsumu tried his best not to make his voice crack.


after that, he stayed silent, not trusting his own voice. bokuto's story from last night started flooding his brain once again.

he tried to brush it off a couple times already, but it somehow managed to find it's way to his brain.


why was he being so anxious? it's not like sakusa felt the same way towards him. he kept repeating those, trying to make himself believe that there is nothing to worry about.

marahuyo, sakuatsu.Where stories live. Discover now