Its all my fault!

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Home, one of the million things she can hate about her life but school wasn't one if them. Her names samantha, samantha james and she has met this guy -Grant- and there planing to step things up a bit this summer. But not before her mom phoebe and her step farther Luke snoop around! She has a baby sister, kayleigh. Samantha and her parents don't take things easy with each other. They sling words at each other and through things backs bad forth nothing can go good I this family. It only gets worse Samantha is bullied in school by a group of girls and 5 guys. She is called horrible names. She cries at night and when it gets bad she even cuts. She only has kayleigh and grants. Kayleigh is to young to help her so once again she is left which grant and things arn't goig so good between them. She will do ANYTHING for ANYBODY! She is a beutiful brown headed 15 year old girl with crystal blue eyes and a heart to match her personilality! Yet know one seems to like her? Why is that? Well she is abused by her step farther since her real dad was killed in a car crash. Her mom doesn't wanna beleive it so phebe pus it aside and totaly ignores Samantha for kayleigh and Luke. One day Grant asked Samantha if she wanted to have sex. The plan was to sneak out at 11 and meet each other at his parents house. They were on vacation. So Samantha said what the heck and went. Later in the month there was no period and she looked bloated and was getting morning sickness. She freaked! When Samantha went to make 100% sure she was pregnant everything was as bad. And with that she was pregnant. She was terrified yet happy. Depressed yet settled. Suicide? Yet there's gonna be a happy side. However Samantha didn't know what was over the hill. She grew a pair of ovaries and told Grant. What he seemed was happy, but the second she left he slammed te door and locked it. He fished for her hair and tossed her in a slam to the ground. Samantha was bleeding and gasping for air. He kneeled down and cried knowing he would never forgive himself. He picked her up and numbered the words "I'm sorry... Please.. P-please forgive me!" Samantha held herself along enough to get a grip on the door, than the world was spinning and he was out. Grant called the police and claimed she was pregnant and that she was dizzy and she blacked out. He lied about the gah on her was and said she hit her head as she fell. After a few days she was out. She was going to school with a big stomache and nobody to talk to. Alone she sat at lunch. Alone by herself in the big world. Kids got there pleasure off of picking on her stomache and how she was alone and how grant left her. Once again there was razors.a and a lt of them. She was rushed to the hospital. Her parents weren't there. Yet grant was, with flowers, roses actually, beutiful white roses with a sent of Mariah Carey perfume on them. That was Samantha's favorite perfume. He bangs open te door and flew over her with te roses she opened her eyes fr the first time the day, smiled, than shut them again. Nothing in the world meant so much to grant then her safety knowing that it was all his fault. The heart rate was slowing. He flew up and called the nurses, they flew in fast, they had to get the baby out and they had to do it fast! Samantha was rushed to the surgery room. And within a few hours the baby was out safe, healthy and alive. Happy as he was he asked the surgeon "is she okay? Tell me! Is she okay?" The surgeon looked at the floor with disapointment and said to Grant "sorry the baby was okay but I'm afraid Samantha wasn't. But if you would like to see her she's is there" he pointed to the room 301. When Grant saw samantha he flew to the floor and just cried. His heart... Crushed!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 09, 2012 ⏰

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