What now?

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It's even hours and hours.

The rest of the lynch family came, and let's say they are not very happy with me. Except Ryland.

They all gave me death glares, and Stormie. . . She attacked me. She was literally pulling my hair, and who knows what. karate I would say. Not trying to be funny. It's all true.

She was yelling, and trying to hurt me so bad, the doctors had to do something about it. She's currently in one of the hospitals bed sleeping peaceful I guess.

I might look strong, but umm I'm not.

Lil Ryland said I am.
But trust me I'm not.

I'm dying inside and nobody knows.
Everyday of my life is like this, I feel like crying but I can't, I can but I'm not doing it again. Why do I feel like the world hates me? Why does it seem like the world hate me? What exactly have I done?

I felt my eye starting to water, but I quickly wiped them away. I have this weird sensation, the same I had earlier.

Please don't tell me more bad news coming.

I looked around the room and saw that the lynches were on the phones, they were so confused that they didn't even noticed that the doctor came.

I slowly stood up and approached him.

"Yes, doctor?"

"Well. You guys brought Ross just in time. He will be fine."

"Oh, thanks god."

"Would you like to see him? Or any of the other family members?"

"I believe Stormie would like to see him."

"Ok." He said and left.

Soon rydel noticed me standing up. and saw the doctor walking away. "what the fuck is wrong with you? You're not part of this family. I was the one that suppose to be talking to the doctor. fuck out of here you stupid bitch."

"Excuse her. what exactly did the doctor tell you?" Riker said apologizing for her and turning all his attention to me as well as the others.

"He said Ross will be fine. He asked if any body wanted to see him. but I told him Stormie would. and I am truly sorry rydel. I'm sorry for caring." I said and for the first time a tear rolled down my cheek.

Believe it or not those words really got me.

I saw rydels face soften. she looked at me and tears went down in both of her cheeks. she stood up and came to me and hugged me.

"I'm so sorry Laura. Im just really worried for Ross."

I didn't hug back, and yeah she noticed and pulled back.

"I am too. but he's ok now. bye now." I said and starting walking away.

Soon I was out of the hospital.

I'm glad all this Ross drama is over.

Or maybe it isn't. It's just staring.


I opened my eyes and grabbed my phone which was next to me.

"11am. Early." I said and closed my eyes again. Trying to fall asleep again.

Minutes later I heard a weird noise coming from my window.

I turned around and saw that Ross was struggling to get him.

I looked at him shocked.

Was I imagining stuff or what?

I rubbed my eyes and blinked a couple of times. I turned my attention to the window again and he wasn't there.

Raura: Cry for loveWhere stories live. Discover now