Little doubts

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"Omg Ross I have so many stuff to tell you." I said excitedly.

He nodded, and didn't even bother to look up at me, he just kept playing a game on his phone.


He didn't look up

"ROSS! I think you should leave it's kinda late anyway."

He looked at his watch " yeah you're right" he said and stood up and walked away slowly.

"Ross?" I smiled sweetly waiting for a kiss.

He looked at me "oh yeah I forgot.... my jacket" he came back and grabbed it " night laur." he said and walked out my house to his car.

I just sat on my sofa and sigh. why he's doing this?. when he asked me out he said he love me but It doesn't seem like anymore ... and that was 3 months ago, I'm having little doubts about our relationship.

But then I just remember the good times we have together, and it makes me forget about everything, like in our first date.


"Here" he said handing me a panda he won on a game.

"Awww thanks" I said and smiled.

He leaned and pecked my lips.

"Come on, the date is not over yet." he said and smiled cutely.

We both got in his car, he was driving using one hand and intertwined our fingers with the other.

"I'm so happy we're together laur. we are meant to be. you know how a sandwich don't taste good when it don't have cheese... ham or lettuce or mayonnaise or KETCHUP" he yelled the last part "that's why those ingredients needs to stay together, to make a better sandwich" I just smiled and he kept silence for a while, looking at the road he then spoke up again and looked at me "laur you know what I'm trying to say right?"

"No not really"

"Better sandwich.... Nevermind I'm stupid."

"Your my cute idiot"


We both laughed, he stopped at a fancy restaurant. but he told me to wait.

"What I tried to say, it's that we always need to be together, like the sandwiches. we're both the ingredients to the perfect couple so we need to be together no matter what" he said

"Yeah, and plus me both make the best sandwiches"

End of flashback

I smiled I wish everything was the way it used to. I was crying my eyes out.. something usual.

He just changed so much. I love that boy so much but I guess he doesn't feel the same way about me. I'm probably boring him.... I know I'm gonna buy him that guitar we saw the other day at the mall, and the promise necklaces I saw at the same store.

Buying gifts won't change anything. maybe I should give him some space right?... Complicated..

Next morning

I woke up with red puffy eyes. I went to the bathroom and took a shower. I got dressed, mom cooked some delicious food. I ate it all, my parents were talking so much, I got a headache and went back to my room. I looked at my phone expecting a text from ross. But nothing maybe I should text him.

Text convo

Laura- morning baby.

Ross- morning Laura.

Laura- I was wondering, do you wanna hang today, I'm boredd.

Ross- Can't. hanging out with my friends.

Laura- oh ok.. I guess

Ross- gotta go bye.

End of convo

He always put his friends before me.. but whatever I'm not gonna cry this time.. I was in bed for almost all day, just thinking, then I remembered rydel.. I could go to her house. Ugh but Ross lives there.

I changed my clothes and put my hair in a messy bun. I grabbed my keys and my flip-phone And headed to rydel a house.

When I got there, I knocked on the door, and for my luck rydel opened the door.

"RYDELLL" I yelled and hugged her.

"LAURAAA" she yelled and hugged back.

She move to the side to let me in. "delly, I gotta talk to you, I honestly don't know what to do." I told her, she had a worried look in her face already. we both walked up to her room, she jumped in her bed, I sat next to her.

"What's wrong?"

"Ross." I said while playing with my fingers.

"What he did this time?."

"You know what Nevermind. let's NOT talk about ross. how's life?"

A smile curved her lips.

"Well its great, and i met this boy yesterday. Ahhh." she said fangirling.

"omg omg Tell me everything."

"Well his name is ratliff and he is sooooooooo cuteeeee. he asked for my phone number so I gave it to him, I'm still waiting for his call though."

"Awwww delly in love."

"I guess."

"I love talking to you but I need to get home before Ross finds me here. I kinda have problems with him but who cares?"

"I do."

"Thanks, call me." I told her. she walked me to the front door, I went inside my car and drove home. while driving home, I passed the restaurant Ross and I went for our first date. more memories came back to my head.

Flash back

"I'm such a lucky guy to have this beautiful girl. out of billions of guys she chose me, you don't understand how special I feel. And I swear if you answer this question im gonna ask you right now you gonna make this guy right here the most happiest man in the entire world. you have no idea how long I searched for the perfect girl, and I finally found her. Laura Marano will you be my girlfriend?"


"Oh" he said looking down.

"Just kidding. I'm the luckiest girl in the entire world, and it would be an Honor to be yours."

He looked up at me and smile.

"No kiss. no thing?" He asked

"Guys shou-" he cuts me off by smashing his lips with mine.

End of flashback

I smiled at the memory and focused on driving again.

Ross loves me right? just having little doubts.. nothing to worry about right????


First chapter up ❤️❤️ so excited for this fanfic..

But what you think?

-Maria 🍓

Raura: Cry for loveOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora