The Dream

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~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Loki's point of view~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
(This is him dreaming right now)
I was sitting in my room on Asguard. I could see my well organized bookshelves. My green clothes. My bed.
I had a book in front of me. It was called "Demons."
I know I didn't have a book by that title....
I opened it, and the first page had three words on it. "Look behind you."
I turned my head around quickly, but seen nothing but my room, and door.
I turned back to the book.
My shaky hand flipped the page and I read the four words on that page.
"Did that scare you?"
I looked at the book and gulped.
I flipped to the next page. Five words.
"They are coming for you."
What did it mean? I turned to the fourth page. Six words.
"The people you trust the most."
The people I trusted the most? That would be my beloved mother, Frigga, my brother that I had always looked up to, Thor, and that beautiful girl that had helped me.... Allie.
I took a deep breath and flipped the page.
And those four words made me choke.
"They will kill you."
I couldn't breathe. Why? Why would they kill me?
Then the door burst open.
I whipped around as Frigga stormed in. She used her magic, and suspended me into the air.
I was helpless. I couldn't move. I was stuck. Then Thor and Allie came out from behind her.
Thor began mercilessly hitting me with his hammer. I could feel my bones cracking and breaking with each hit.
I screamed in pain. "Thor, Stop!"
Allie had my dagger. She sliced at my arms and legs, blood streaming out.
It hurt so badly. I couldn't live through this. The pain was unbearable.
Allie sliced my black shirt open. She ripped it off, and began slicing my bare chest, and stomach.
I yelled. The pain was so real. This couldn't be a dream. Blood poured down my body, as Allie began to slit my wrists.
"Loki." She whispered, as she stabbed my stomach. I could see my pale skin turning red.
"Loki!" She yelled.
I woke up.
I realized my body was fine. No cuts. No broken bones.
But Allie was right there...
Was she going to kill me? I was not going to risk it. I knocked her to the ground and prepared my dagger. I was just about to stab her, when I felt a strong hand grab mine. It was Thor.
(This is now AFTER all that stuff happened, with Loki explaining. All the stuff that happened in the previous chapter)
"I'm sorry..." I whispered.
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry."
I kept whispering "I'm sorry."
Allie and Thor were whispering over a little ways away from me.
I stopped whispering and began to listen to their conversation.
I could make out little bits if what they were saying.
"He's not......trusted........we can't...... Loki.........come on."
I gave up listening and began whispering to myself again. I don't know why but it seemed to comfort me.
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry."
Allie came over to me with a concerned look on her face. But I continued whispering.
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry."
"Loki, stop." She said, with a concerned tone.
But I didn't stop. I couldn't. Why I couldn't? I didn't know.
Thor then came over to me.
"Loki! Stop!" He said.
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry."
"There's something wrong with him." Said Thor to Allie.
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry."
"Shut up!" Yelled Allie.
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry."
Then Thor said something that changed everything.
"We are going to have to postpone the mission. It can not be done with Loki in this mental state."

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I'm Sorry, But Authors Note~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Loki. Wow. Your insane. You guys who are reading my story, you do realize I'm just making this up as I go along. So I have no clue what's going to happen to Loki.
No song. Sorry.

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