Blue Eyes

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~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Allie's point of view~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Loki's eyes were... Different. They were not the usual emerald green. No they
I looked into his eyes. "Loki, your eyes..." I said quietly.
He quickly turned away from my gaze. "I have it." He whispered.
"What?" Asked Thor.
"The Tesseract. I have it." Suddenly Loki whipped around.
He had a devilish grin on his face. "Goodbye."
Loki then disappeared. "Where did he go?!" I asked panicked.
"No! He escaped!" Growled Thor.
"What how?" I yelped.
"He must have somehow gotten the Tesseract back in his possession. Then he escaped with it. That was only am illusion of him we seen." Explained Thor.
I could not believe it. Loki had taken the Tesseract and just left.
"We need to find him." Said Thor, looking me in the eye.
"We have tools on Asguard that we can use to track him. I just need to grab them."
I smiled sweetly at Thor. "I wish to come."
"If it is your desire, Lady Allie then you shall come."
"Yea!" I squealed like a three year old.
Thor began to leave Loki's room, waving for me to follow. I raced up behind him, and after going through a bunch of rooms and hallways, we made it to the outside. I stood on the landing pad, looking at all the planes here.
There were so many. But there was no time. Thor clasped my hand into his giant one and called out.
"HEIMDALL!" He yelled.
Suddenly a blast of rainbow light came down upon us and we began flying through the air.
I could only see the light, but it only lasted a couple seconds. Thor and I came out into a giant golden room with a thingy in the middle.
A man with golden armor and a huge sword stood next to the thingy.
"Hello, Allie." Said the man in a deep voice.
"Hello Heimdall." Said Thor. He grabbed my arm and pulled me outside. There we stood on a huge bridge with flashing rainbow colors. Off in the distance I could see a huge golden castle.
Thor led me over to a small building, beside the bigger golden one.
The smaller one was a stable. I could hear horses whinnying inside.
Thor pulled me in, and I could see three stable hands working, feeding and caring for the horses.
"Saddle up Niva and Canua." Said Thor to the stable hands.
The three people immediately began to grab supplies off shelves and two of them went into one stable, one in the other.
I assumed they were readying the horses.
"Have you ever ridden a steed before?" Asked Thor.
"Yea, I grew up on a ranch. With lots of horses." I said smiling.
I had always loved horses. Ever since I had saddled my first one.
Within a couple minutes, the two stable hands led out a cream colored horse with brown fur around its hooves and muzzle.
"This is Canua." Thor explained, mounting the pretty horse. "She is one of my three horses.
As I studied Canua, I noticed she was very muscular, much like Thor.
She was bigger than most horses I had ever seen.
I began to stroke her mane, but then another horse was a led out.
She was a beautiful horse, even more beautiful than Canua.
She was small, but definitely swift. She had a beautiful silver color and a well brushed mane.
But the feature that stood out the most, was her emerald eyes. Just like Loki's.
"This is Loki's only horse." Said Thor. "I thought you would like her."
"I do..." I whispered. "She is gorgeous."
"Yes, Loki has good taste in horses." Laughed Thor. I stroked Niva's beautiful, soft mane.
Then I climbed aboard her. I followed Thor and his horse out back onto the bridge, after thanking the stable hands.
"Race you to the other side." Said Thor squeezing his legs to make his horse go. Canua sped off.
I gently squeezed my legs to Niva's sides and she took off, easily catching up with Thor.
I smiled as I passed Thor with ease. As we sped along the bridge I yelled happily. "YEA!"
Niva and I made it to the other end of the bridge well before Thor and Canua.
I leaped off Niva and stroked her mane, whispering to her. "Niva, you are so pretty. You are definitely the fastest horse ever." Niva whinnied in delight.
After a minute, Thor showed up, and we led the two horses to the stables on this side, by the huge gates.
We gave Niva and Canua to the stable hands here, then Thor brought me over to the gate.
The guards bowed to Thor. "Welcome back, Prince Thor." They said in unison.
"Whoa, your a prince?" I asked in surprise. Thor smiled at me.
Then the guard pushed opened the large golden gates, revealing the wonderland known as...

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Yet another Authors Note~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
So... Where the heckastand is Loki?
*looks in closet* Loki are you in here?
No.... Ok so we're is he?
The picture is an awesome picture of Loki with blue eyes.
The song of the chapter is "Warriors" by none other than Imagine Dragons.

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