35. [ Experience ] Paranomal pastor (3)

Start from the beginning

Louie SchroderOctober 9, 2012 at 6:10 PM

After reading this blog I realized that I have also had a one on one encounter with Slenderman, if you believe it or not is up to you.

I was living in Kansas City, Missouri in my high school years and about into my sophomore year I began to have this thing or some type of non-entity stalking me...

It would come into my home... I lived in a two story town home with a basement. It was I believe the spring of 2010 or 2011 when the incident started. I always make a habit of closing the door when I go to bed. I started waking up at the same time every night to the sound of my door opening.... Night after night the thing that was stalking me used to walk down one more stair every night and this lasted for a month. About 2 weeks into this... 'incident' I finally saw what he looked like. He was extremely tall, even to me a person who is 6'3, with no discernible facial features or really any shape at all. He was just some tall faceless specter of a spindly height. At first I felt no animosity or blood lust or anything like that from him. It was more like some voyeuristic feeling I got from him. Til the last day of the month I woke up to him chocking me with both hands and his face was so close I could see his featureless face.. I dabble in magick and was able to somehow 'make him disappear' I don't know if I did or if he left by choice. By then end of my school year I moved away from Missouri to Georgia. Recently I moved back to Missouri, now when I go out at night I feel like I'm being watched and I can't tell from who or what, but I get that same chilling feeling like eyes boring into my back as I walk around at night... and the nightmares have begun again...

If you think I'm lying your wrong.... I am an actual person with a real life and a name....

Louie Schroeder..

apocalypseArisenOctober 14, 2012 at 7:28 PM

i have had many encounters with what you call "Slenderman". I would see him out of the corner of my eye when I'd walk to the park, or I see him outside my window when I'm in my house. I've been told it just my imagination, but any time i see him, I feel so paralyzed with fear and I can't move or anything. For years, I thought I was going crazy; I've gone to psychologists, and they all tell me it's my imagination, but this Slenderman always shows up to haunt me again. It started when I was about 5 or 6. I was with my mother in the park, and I saw a white oval in the trees next to us. I turned, and I saw a tall man, in dark clothing, with just a white oval for a head. No face. He had these long arms, and these tentacle-like things coming out of his back. As much as I wanted to scream and cry, I couldn't. Ever since then, I've been haunted by this figure. I don't know if it's from some trauma I've experienced, or if it's actually real, but if you can, please help me get rid of him.

AnonymousOctober 29, 2012 at 6:48 PM

I don't hate him. I had an experience around 4 with him. I woke up with shadows moving in my vision, then I saw him. I could not make out his wardrobe, but I could see his blank face. He did nothing, but I acted strangely, I usually act hostile in paranormal affairs, but this time I simply observed back, I wasn't that afraid though. At some point I fell asleep and had a dream. He was in it but he was on my side, I can't remember the dream exactly, something about monsters and my daycare bullies, but the point is he helped when he was needed (which wasn't often). This happened 4 more times until an epic zombie apocalypse dream where I didn't need his help. Then the next night he came and while he said nothing he seemed pleased, then I fell asleep. The next morning an x was carved on my bedpost, and I felt stronger and healthier. When I look back on it I think of how wolves judge a new pack member, rewarding them for being strong and punishing those who are weak. Does he do something similar? From time to time he shows up in glimpses, and reminds me to be stronger. I think I passed his test, and I think he tests you, and that he will haunt you until you show that you're strong some way, just don't attack unless you think it's necessary because that won't help. There is a theory that he takes children to a better place, I want to believe that.The reward for the test is life without him, fail and he haunts you. More then that though, he taught me that I should never act or hate irationaly. but im afraid that he takes more because humanity is getting worse...

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