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(Warnings: nakedness and Remus)

Janus pov


I was in my room after a long day and I felt kinda disgusting so I went to take a shower. I walked into the bathroom and felt the slight sting of the cold tile on my bare feet, reminding me how easily I start feeling weak to the cold. As i continued over to the shower to start undressing I felt this suspicious sensation creep up into my stomach, as if someone was watching me, but i decided it was nothing and removed my cloak, shirt, pants and boxers and just kept stripping down until i was getting into the shower and washing myself to the point where I was satisfied. I then left the shower and dried off, leaving the bathroom with my towel wrapped around my waist as I walked at a normal pace through the hall, finally reaching the safety of my own room and laying on the bed. I got quite distracted on Tik Tok whilst looking through my phone but i soon realised I should get dressed, but little did I know I left the door open. I slipped the towel off. I am an idiot.

Remus pov


I was walking around the house when I heard Jan turn the shower on. I smirk in a quite evil manner as the thought of him naked enters the rest of the ratchet thoughts in my mind. I wondered what it would be like to touch his skin, his scales, his hair. I then found myself completely lost, standing in the hallway and staring at the ceiling. I sighed and sat on the couch for about an hour until I heard Dee get out of the shower and walk over to his room, i thought I should leave him alone and that i did, walking off and watching a show for awhile in my room, but then I heard movement in his room so I thought I'd go see what he was up to so I went back over and saw that his door was open, which was rare, i peeked in and smirked at the sight

3rd person pov


Remus walked through the door, successfully not disturbing Janus and sitting on the snake's bed. Janus reached into his dresser and picked up some yellow panties, so remus decided to ruin it and say "now just who's gonna be seeing those?~" Janus jumped, turning around and falling over "REMUS!!" He exclaimed as he tried to find something to cover himself with "why are you in here???" The panicking snake questioned "oh, i heard you moving around in here and I thought I'd just take a little peek to see what that was all about" Remus paused and licked his lips, looking Janus up and down to which the snake wiggled and whimpered at "but then I found this~" the Duke finished "GET. OUT." Janus demanded "No thanks~ I like it here~" Remus replied, walking closer to him "p-please?" The snake pleaded as Remus was only inches from him and cornering him against the wall, simply replying with "no~"



Anyways! I'll be doing a part two soon and i hope whoever reads my stuff is enjoying this! Thanks for reading bye!! 💖💗💖

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