Sleep now

105 6 1

Izuku twisted himself as he looked in the mirror, he lifts up his two remaining wings as if they're hiding his missing four under them somehow. He reaches behind him awkwardly, pawing at the area, feeling for any sort of bumps where they might've gone.

But no matter what he did, they simply weren't there. The only sign that they existed in the first place were a few in-grown feathers attached to his skin, a few already falling off at his insistent probing.

A high pitched whine starts in his throat at the sight, fresh tears spilling down his cheeks.

Where did his wings go? Did they fall off? No, they'd be on his bed if they did, wouldn't they? Did someone steal them? No, he would've felt that. Maybe they were extractable like Tsubasa's? That would be cool, but he really, really, really wants them back now! He loves his wings so much! Having four of them suddenly vanish feels like he lost several limbs, trying to constantly flex them only for nothing to happen. It was a very strange feeling and he doesn't like it one bit.

Another whine escapes as he rubs at his eyes, they felt sore from crying.

"Oh, Izuku..."

A gentle hand lays itself on the back of his head as his mother brings him in for a hug. He can feel her breath as she places her nose in his hair.

"Where- where did they go?" Izuku hiccups. "Are my other- other wings going to- to go away too?"

The thought of being completely wingless frightened him so badly it sent new sobs wracking his tiny frame as he clutches onto his mother's shirt in a vice grip. The hand on his head strokes comforting circles to his distress.

A puff of air brushes lightly on his curls as his mother sighs and pulls away to look at him.

"How about this, angel." She starts, looking him in his watery eyes. "We'll go see the doctor and see if they figure out what's going on?" Inko gives him a soft smile. "I bet you they'll know how to get them back."

Izuku sniffs as he wipes his nose on the back of his hand. A doctor? Doctor's fix things when you're not feeling good.

Izuku brightens a little in hope. Yeah, a doctor can get his wings back! Of course! They'll fix him back to new!

He nods vigorously to his mother, curls bouncing. He wipes at his face, cleaning it of stray tears.

Inko smiles down at him and gives him one last pat. "Right then! Let's have some breakfast first and then we'll pay them a visit, alright?"

One meal and train ride later, the duo is standing in front of a small building.

Now Izuku is smart, and he knows that hospitals are usually bigger than this! Is this really the right place? He asks his mother so.

"This is for special doctors," She tells him. "These doctors specialize in quirks."

A quirk doctor! Izuku feels a rush of excitement.

Inko nudges him inside the building.

As he walks through the doors the first thing he notices is that it's very chilly. He wraps his wings around his body to block against it.

But now the open part of his back was cold, the area where his other wings would usually lay. Reminding Izuku why he's here with a slight hitch.


He starts at his mother's voice. Looking up he can see that she was just talking to a lady with wispy purple hair behind a counter. His eyes linger on her hair for a few more seconds, watching as it sways like smoke around her shoulders before focusing back to his mother.

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