Congratulations! It's an Angel!

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Little Midoriya Izuku was born into this world with six tiny little white wing stubs on his back.

In place of his ears were feathers tinted green. His white and green hair was feather soft, and his green and red eyes were full of stars and wonder as he looked up at his mother for the first time.

Inko thought he was absolutely angelic.

In that hospital room that was empty save for her and her wonderful child, she sang.

Soft words filled the room as she cradled the bundle of life closer to herself, foreheads touching.

"You are my child of shooting stars

You are my wish come true

My heart had never held such love

Until my arms held you"

Today Izuku is four years old.

Normally when a child hits four they wonder what their quirk will be as they wait with bated breath for it to manifest.

Izuku however, was one who was already born with their quirk- a mutation type!

He had six wings he was very proud of!

They were well groomed, sleek, beautiful, and oh-so very white.

The two wings in the middle were the largest of the six. If he spread them out each wing was nearly as big as his little four year old body.

The other four wings were smaller in size. The top two were actually just as long as the bigger wings, stopping short of a few inches. But they were that. Just long. The feathers themselves were rather stubby.

The bottom set of wings were the same, but only reaching to half the middle's length.

If Izuku gathered all six wings on top of each other, they all looked like a single, huge set of bulky wings and a mess of feathers.

Despite them being big, and having six of them, he still cannot fly!

Oh, he tries. He tries and tries every day, flapping and straining himself to fly off the ground just a little bit he begs. But his feet never leave the ground as he pouts at the fact.

But they're growing everyday! Surely, he should be able to fly sometime soon! He longs for when that will happen.

For Izuku's birthday, him and Inko spend it together. Just the two of them as she showers her angelic little baby with love.

That night they have katsudon.

Izuku is happy.

Sparks dance from his best friend's palms. The lights they produce shine in Izuku's green and red eyes as he watches them crackle and pop with excitement.

"Kacchan, you got your quirk!" Izuku marvels. "It's so cool..." His mismatched eyes now focused on his friend. "That's a perfect quirk for a hero!"

Katsuki preens at the praise. "Of course it is, Deku! My quirk is a lot better than having dumb wings."

Izuku puffs out his cheeks at his friends rebuttal. "Flying is cool, too!"

"You can't even fly!"

"Not yet! But I will!" Giving his wings a little flutter, he adds, "They're getting bigger and bigger! I bet I could fly today if I wanted to!"

Katsuki smirks at Izuku. "Oh yeah? Then prove it!"

The preschool teacher, sensing trouble, swoops in. "Now, now. Izuku you know the rules, no flying attempts until recess, ok? We don't want anyone to get smacked with a stray wing now, do we?"

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