09; The Great Divide

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" How'd you do that?" Aang asked, sitting on the other side, legs criss-cross, berries in his hands.

" I was born with it, and I said I didn't want to talk about it." I replied simply and sharply but the monk shook his head.

" No, No!" Aang said, as he placed the berries into a wooden bowl, Momo, eagerly eating from it before something caught his eye and began heading towards the large fruit. " I mean, getting them to work together. Knowing them, they would fight and fight before something bad happens and drives them together to help."

" Years of practice." I said, watching the fire eat the wood up and grow. " Katara and Sokka had been fighting for years, most of it on petty things and Sokka being sexist." I sit back and picked a berry from the bowl and flicked it into my mouth. " I usually make them work together, let themselves apologize to each other by themselves, but I also resort to punishment if needed. I couldn't let Kanna be the one to sort out her grandchildren's fights by herself. I was young, I could keep them in check." I smiled, I do wondered about the older woman, how she's feeling and how well the tribe was with her in charge now. I often wondered if Hadoka was back yet for supplies or a quick visit. Though, those were my hopes, when I knew him and the crew were sailing around.

" Wow." Aang said, a smile on his own lips as Katara and Sokka finished the tent. " So you're like their older brother in a sense?" Aang asked. I shrug a bit, " In a sense. I grew up with them so-" There was growling behind us and Aang turned as did I. Momo was trying to take away Appa's melon. The furry bison holding it down with one toe as Momo struggles to take it away. " Why don't you go try sorting this out." I asked, as Aang nods, he stood up and walked towards them. Hopefully this would help him in the future. Though once everything settled down for our berry meal, the fire was dimming slowly, I lit it up again once everyone began falling asleep in their respected places. Once even Momo had settled down, I began laying on my own bed, the sleeping bag and nuzzled it a bit. What I wouldn't give to sleep in a nice bed again.

I laid on the sleeping bag of my own, laying my head down and stared into the flames. My eyes half-lidded, as sleep slowly lulled me to sleep.


We all stared down into the canyon, it was huge and beautifully crafted by the spirits. Aang takes a deep breath before exhaling, " There it is guys, the great divide!" Momo lands on his shoulder with a chatter. I looked at the many trails the rocks had against the stone walls. Maybe animals traveled down or something.

" Wow. I could just stare at it forever." Katara said, amazed as well. She was one to enjoy moments like these, unlike Sokka.

" Ok. I've seen enough." Sokka announced, as he turns around towards Appa.

" How can you not be fascinated, Sokka?" Katara questioned, gesturing to the canyon. " This is the largest canyon in the entire World!"

"Then I'm sure we'll be able to see it very clearly from the air while we fly away." Sokka said, tugging on Appa's reigns a bit. I rolled my eyes a bit just as a guy shoved his way passed Sokka. He looked young and pretty clean in his robes. " HEY! If you're looking for the canyon guide, I was here first." He announced, stomping towards us.

" Look buddy, if anything, we were here first." I spoken up but he ignored me and advanced towards Katara a bit. She beams, lacing her hands together with a smile. " Ohh. Canyon guide? Sounds informative." I shake my head before standing beside her and Aang on the other side of her as well. " Believe me, he's more than a tour guide. He's an earthebender, and the only way in and out of the canyon is with his help." The guy explains, I see Sokka mocking him from behind and I snickered a bit as Sokka flapped his hands together like a mouth. " And he's taking my tribe across next!" When the guy glanced to Sokka, he stopped his mocking. 

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