In regards to my last chapter, as you all know there are protests going on right now, and a couple weeks ago I went to a protest, and a cop was taking pictures and filming people's faces, as well as my face.

Cops are doing something called 'black bagging' in which they kill people who attended protests, and then say they either ran away, or committed suicide.

I had a video of the protests, and today I was gonna show it to my friend, but when I was looking through my phone, I found it had been deleted off my phone, along with other videos of the protests I had filmed.

Right now, I haven't left my house, or my room, if you went, or planning to go to a protest, please cover your face.

And remember.

I didn't run away
Or kill myself
Or was on drugs

Again, if I don't post or start posting weird messages, saying everything is fine, it's bullshit. Please stay safe, and please please PLEASE save this, because I don't know how long this will be up.

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