Chapter 2

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  • Dedicated to Jada Britton

       We reached their house about an hour later. Guess what! It was the huge house I had found but thought it had not had anyone live in it in decades.

        "Ironic, I found this house one day. It looked as if no one had lived there in decades." It was crazy that I could not notice that there was actually people living here. I am a good observer from learning about it recently, so I really thought there was nothing here because I looked all around the house. I was afraid to go inside, so I didn't.

        "Well we really are good at hiding ourselves then. Told you it would be good if we made the house look beat up, Jason." Ari said. He shows off that he is very cocky over himself. I don't like that because he looks like he could be such an intelligent, nice guy.

        I actually told him this. " Stop being cocky, you ego is a huge freaking bubble, I can feel it all the way over here. You look like you could be such an amazing; nice, intelligent guy, but you shut it out by your ego. Stop thinking you're better than everyone else. Put your ego away."

        Everyone busted out laughing, except for Ari of course. When I looked at all of them, they we on their knees having a hard time breathing. "She told you man. Everyone always says it, now even she is telling you," Ozias said to Ari. That's sad if everyone tells him that, but he doesn't listen.

        "Well, I am just expressing myself, so I am not being a cocky guy. I am young, got to show myself out there." Ari was not someone who I was fond of, and I just met him. He gets on my nerves where I want to knock some sense in to him.

        "Well shut up, then you will be showing yourself 'out there'. I think if you would stop doing that, you would get a life of peace. I see you as a person who is very clumsy and people laugh at you a lot, and also yell at you a lot." I told him. He really needs to learn that not everything revolves around him that is what I see about him, just  by observing him.

        "How about you stop assuming that you know me?" That is what he told me before Jason went at him, I think it was because he got smart with me. I don't really know but all I know is that right now Jason is holding Ari's head down on the ground. What is funny is that Ari's butt is all up in the air.

        "Alright, come on Jason, let him go." I could tell Ari learned his lesson about how to speak to me around him and I also don't like when people are in pain.

        "Fine, but he is still in trouble." He just had to do one more thing to hurt him. Instead of just letting him go, he threw him. He is really strong, I must admit, it had me going crazy inside when I saw his muscles contract. He threw Ari 5 feet away from me. That is crazy, I wouldn't have even been able to pick him up, let alone throw him 5 feet away.

        When he landed, it hurt me! His head hit first, so I know that had to hurt. Jason is really not someone you want to mess with. I glanced at him, and I saw his eyes go from black to his original sky blue. Awe, his wolf was in control. Just thinking that got fireworks going off inside me.

        "Really, come one. I have to feed Prince soon, and he is starting to get heavy." I switched him from my left arm to my right. I am not lying when I say he is so heavy, I am scared I am going to drop him, I can't hurt him.

        "Here do you want me to hold him...," He made a grab for Prince, but before he could grab him, I backed up. Only I can hold him. 

        "No he is mine. I can only hold him, he is my baby" I told him. I did not mean to be harsh, it's just, I am overprotective of my dog. I have never let anyone hold him, since I got him three years ago. I wanted a companion and I love animals, so I went to a pet store and saw Prince, he was so adorable and when I held him, it was like we were meant to be together as mom and son. I know that is probably a little to far, but that is how I feel. 

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