"Yare yare daze?" Questioned the voice of a child. You realized it must have been Holly's five year old son, Jotaro. "Who is this?"

"Jotaro, can you please give your mom the phone?" You gently asked the child.

"Mommy isn't home right now. Daddy is though. Do you want me to give the phone to him?"

"No, but thanks anyways."

"Ah, okay. What was it that you said earlier? Yare yare daze? I like the sound of that. Yare yare daze."
There was another click as Jotaro hung up without much of a goodbye. You set the phone back down and glanced back to Joseph who still seemed kind of nervous.

The Joestar looked up from his seat, "Any luck?"

You shook your head, "No, Holly wasn't home. Jotaro picked up the phone."

"Awe, my adorable little grandson answered the phone? Damn it! I should've been the one that called!" He then stood up, "Well, I'm going to go over there now. I had hoped to call in advance, but I guess it might be more fun as a surprise. See you around, (Y/N)." He waved a quick goodbye before leaving. That left you and Caesar.

You sat down next to the Italian who seemed downcast, "Are you alright?"

He rested his head on your shoulder, "Yes, I suppose. But I think I'm now better understanding how you feel. It's kind of painful to see JoJo becoming an old man. I'm not sure how well age is going to suit his personality." He gave an almost sad laugh before standing up and dusting off his pants, "I'm going to go now too. I'm glad you seem to be doing well here. Arrivederci."

He then walked out the door, leaving you alone once more. You sighed and readied yourself to go outside, applying some of your new sunscreen. You needed some more groceries.

You walked down the rather quiet street. You were a bit startled when kid bumped into you and fell onto the concrete. "Are you okay?" You asked while extending your hand towards the blonde haired kid who looked to be around ten years old. His face was scrunched up in slight pained and he opened his blue eyes at the sound of your voice. He nodded slowly.

He seemed a bit surprised to see your outstretched hand. His own hand began to reach for your own and it was shaking slightly. You may have just imagined it, but you could've sworn you saw his fingernails grow a few centimeters longer. He clasped your hand tightly and you pulled him up to his feet. Even after doing so, his hand remained untwined with yours, he seemed almost in awe of it.

Your other hand went to feel his forehead, "You seem to be a bit out of it. Are you sure you're alright?"

His face flushed red and he quickly let go of your hand. He backed away, "Y-Yeah. I'm fine, thanks for asking." And then he turned around and left. The situation was kind of odd but you didn't think much of it and continued with your journey to the grocery store.

Nine years later, you woke up in your bed with a sudden pain in your neck. You rushed out of your bed to look in a mirror for some sort of exterior problem. Nothing looked off. The fang indentations were still there and it really only seemed to hurt in the spot Dio had poured his blood into your neck... Something was wrong.

You were pulled out of your thoughts about an hour or so later by the sound of your phone ringing. You quickly picked up the phone, bringing it to your ear.

"Miss Speedwagon, we have discovered something that we thought might be important for you to know. I apologize for calling so early." It was a member of the SPW foundation, Mark.

You rubbed your temples, "Don't worry about it, I was already awake anyways. What is it?"

"We found an empty boat drifting along the ocean. It also had Dio's coffin opened on deck. We believe the vampire has returned."

"What? His coffin? The one Erina was able to escape the exploding boat with? How is that possible?"

"Well, Erina was discovered during the day time and no one there thought to keep the coffin. The members who discovered the coffin also found there was a hidden compartment below that appears to be accessible from outside."

"Oh, gosh! Where's Dio now? And Dio was supposed to have just been a head, how could he possibly moved around so easily?"

"Sorry, Miss. We don't have answers to those questions just yet. It may take a while to get them. We will keep you updated as frequently as possible, though."

"That's much appreciated. As soon as you find anything, don't hesitate to contact me, okay?"

"Yes, ma'am." The SPW member then hung up the phone, leaving you to deal with the fact your enemy from almost one hundred years ago was back. You quickly called up Joseph. He certainly needed to be informed of the current situation.

"I was just about to call you, (Y/N). Can you feel it too?" Asked Joseph.

You raised an eyebrow in curiosity. Did he really feel the same thing as you? You decided to ask, "Oh, are you also feeling a sudden pain right now?"

"What? No, why would I be...? Are you alright?" Joseph was concerned now.

You brushed away his worries, "Yes yes. I'm fine. What is it that you're feeling?"

Joseph thought for a moment, "Sort of like a weird pulling sensation as if there's something connected to me from far away. It's kind of weird to describe. Also, my gut is telling me that something bad is going to happen sometime soon."

You were impressed, "Your gut is pretty accurate then. I just received intel from Mark that Dio has returned. I believe both our feelings might be connected to that."

"I see. I'll do my best to look into what I can. Stay safe, (Y/N)."

"You too, JoJo." And the call ended.

You also informed Caesar of the development. This caused him to begin training even more with Hamon. It could be a useful tool in a fight against a vampire.

Throughout the next year, the SPW foundation continued with its search for unusual things that could be connected to Dio. This led to the discoverable of stands. Joseph met up with a user of such stands by the name of Avdol. He was a fortune teller. Joseph informed you that Avdol's stand gave him some sort of fire ability. Since Joseph couldn't yet see stands, he only really felt the intense heat created by it.

Two more years passed and there was a sudden change in several people's lives. As that was when Dio had been pierced by an arrow giving him and his body a stand. Due to connections of the blood, this caused several people to manifest stands of their own, including you.

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