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My hands, full of dirty clothes, tossed bundles of laundry into the washing machine.  Suddenly I heard a knocking on the wall behind me.  An unpleasant chill went down my spine as I looked around and saw that no one was there.  My face paled as I headed for the door.  I ran and ran until I crashed into something and screamed as I fell to the floor.  

Before my butt could hit the hard ground, someone cout me in their arms.  I look up to see Sweden's hand under my arm.  Quickly I get to my feet and dash behind him.  He looks down at me as I cringed in fear, "what is the problem _____?" Hearing his voice made me feel a little bit better.  Still behind him I grip onto his sleeve, "t-there's something i-in the laundry r-room."

He walk towards the room I just exited and walked inside with me close behind.  "What did you hear?" he asked as he entered the room fully.  I scan the room really quick before entering, "I h-heard knocking. But it was behind me and there's a wall there." Sweden looked at the wall then knocked on it. There was no response so he turned back to me, "there is nothing there." I look around and then see something behind Sweden.  

With my quick thinking I jump on to Sweden and cause him and I to go crashing to the floor.  When I look up again I see that it was just Iceland's puffin. I sigh in relief and was about to get up when Sweden wraps his arms around me.  I blush and look into his emotionless eyes.  Without telling me Sweden kisses my lips. My eyes widen from shock, but my heart pounds in approval. Slowly I close my eyes and kiss him back.  

Sweden then releases the kiss and slightly smiles. I mean, an actual smile on Sweden's face! It was so amazing to see that he was smiling, and for me.  "Sweden, your smiling!" I kind of shriek in excitement.  He puts a hand to his lips and traces the smile on his face, "I am smiling."  I grin happily and hug him, "Sweden you smiled! I'm so happy I finally got to see you smile!" My lips pecked Sweden's. A blush dusted over his cheeks.  I giggle at his adorable blush and lay my chin on his chest, "I love you Sweden!" He sits up and hugs me tightly, "I love you too _____." 


Yay~ I finished. This headache made me lose the ending of this so it ended kind of unfinished.  Curse you headache.... Kolkolkolkolkolkol~

Well I hope you liked it and thanks so much for giving Sweden all these  votes!! 

Ciao for now~!!

Sweden One shotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora