"Only we decide that. You know why?" Riley continued and Maya tried not to let the smile stretch across her face. She couldn't ask for better friends. "Why?" She asked and Taylor took her hand before reaching her sister's. "Because if this is our world now, the first person we want in it is you," Maya finally let the grin grace her lips as she stared at the two girls in front of her. "You're gonna save me, aren't you?"

Taylor looked to Riley and they both turned back to Maya with the same grin resting on their lips, "We are," they both grab one of Maya's hands and run out of the Subway with the blonde slightly behind them.


Riley opened the front door of the apartment and Maya and Taylor walked through after her. "Where is he?" She said causing Topanga and Auggie to point at Cory. Riley marched over to Cory, "There is no way I'll let you break up our friendship with Maya," Taylor and Maya followed right behind the angry brunette. "Is that what you think I want, Riley? What about you, Taylor?" Cory said glancing between his two daughters.

"No. What you said you really want is for us to make the world our own," Taylor and Riley nodded whilst adding, "And you want us to do our homework," Tay looked to Maya and said, "Well, we're doing it together right now. Here's what we think is worth fighting for," Taylor looked back to their father. She pulled Maya forward as Riley spoke. "This is our best friend. She's gonna get us into trouble, and we're, mostly Taylor, gonna get us out of it. And we did, because here we are. Look at us, Dad. We're right here,"

Taylor sighed causing all eyes to look to her. The only pair she met was her father's as she questioned, "Our Civil War is over, Dad. We won. What happens now?" Cory smiled at his daughter and she returned it right back.


"Hey Noah!" Taylor raved after the older boy who quickly turned round to face her. "Hey Tay! What's up?" He held his book close to his chest as his eyes scanned round him. "Where's Riley?" With a small smirk, Taylor looked at the boy. She gripped the strap of her backpack as she rocked on her feet slightly. "Got a crush?"

"What-I, no!" His face went a bright red as he protested against the idea. She smirked at his denial as she tapped her nose, "I won't tell," the boy sighed before looking at her with a raised eyebrow. "What's up?" He asked again and Taylor nodded in realisation. "You free now? We going to the subway to get on a train to nowhere and I was wondering if you wanted to come. I ran to school to talk to you since you wouldn't answer your phone and Riley wants you there,"

"I can't, my dad gets home from his business trip to London tonight but I'll see you soon," they both waved goodbye and headed their separate ways.


Cory stood amongst his family, Maya, Farkle and Lucas, "Friends, family, and all you other subterranean mole people. We're here today to celebrate Riley being Riley and Taylor being Taylor. Now, some may call this a New York City Subway pass. But you, Riley and Taylor, can consider this a ticket to the world," Taylor accepted the pass and smiled at it as her gripped on her book tighter.

"You think we're ready?" Riley asked as Taylor slipped the pass into her jacket pocket. Topanga smiles at both of the twins who smiled straight back at their mother, "You showed us you are," Tay smiles as she glanced between her friends and family. "I've already met the world. It's your turn," Cory placed a hand on Taylor's shoulder and sent a smile to Riley. Both girl's made eye contact and smiled even more. Riley finally took the card as Lucas and Farkle walked off to one side.

They stared round the Subway and Taylor smirked at Lucas' comment, "Hey, this isn't so different from Texas. Look, there's a pony," Taylor not back a laugh at where Lucas was pointing. "That's a rat," Farkle clarified as Cory sent Tay a 'that guy?!' kinda look. Gretchen and another model walk past and Farkle decided to speak to them, "Ladies,"

Gretchen and the Other woman smiled as Farkle. Maya and Riley walked off to one side and Taylor followed behind. "So, where do you wanna go?" The blonde asked the two girls. Taylor looked down at the Sherlock Holmes book that she held. "Don't know," she muttered as her eyes looked round the subway. Riley reached over and grabbed her sisters hand, "Big world,"

"Ours now?" The blonde asked as she stared off into the distance. Riley smiled and she confirmed it with a simple, "Yeah," Taylor swung her arm round Riley's shoulder as she looked at the other two. "But my dad did says we have to be home by five," she told them with a bright smile. As the three began to make their way onto the train. They stopped just before the doors.

"Don't worry. He wrote you a note," Maya slipped a note out of her pocket and hands it to Riley as they walk into the Subway. As Taylor looks at the note, the subway announcer spoke up, "Next stop, Astor Place, 14th Street, and the world,"


Riley lead the way out the train as Taylor trudged behind Maya. She hadn't got to read her book much and for that, she was slightly annoyed. "You guys came back and waited for us?" Riley asked, shock clearly written on her face. Taylor let the grin settle on her face as her mother smiled at the three of them. "Hey, we told you we were always gonna be here for you,"

"Yeah, girls. It's not so easy handing over the world without making sure everything's gonna be okay," Cory smiles at his two daughters before turning around. After laughing at something Maya said, Tay looked at her grinning father. "You okay dad?" He patted her shoulder with the grin still on his face. "Never better," he wrapped his arm around Topanga and the Matthews family and Maya Hart went home.

Taylor Meets The World (Girl Meets World Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now