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Coulson stared at the bed that held Jemma, who looked smaller than ever.

"Fitz. Everyone. To my office. I think we want to hear what happened." Coulson snapped. "One of you stay. Ward." Ward nodded and sat down in the chair in the medical pod."

Fitz, frowned. yet said nothing. I should be in Ward's place. How the hell do I explain what happened?"  He nodded and filed out of the room with everyone else, and made his way to Coulson's office.

Ten minutes later

"It was an accident. I bloody swear, I-I was trying to or-or-or, hurt h-"

    "I don't want to hear it," Coulson fumed in a quiet rage. "Thanks to your ignorance and recklessness, we may be down an agent. Fitz, you are off duty until we are certain she is alright." He stared down Fit coldly, radiating anger that made everyone in the room shrink away from him.

Fitz swallowed. "Y-yes sir."

"You are dismissed." Coulson muttered, then motioned to May and started talking with her quietly.

Fitz practically ran to the lab, angry at himself, the 0-8-4. Trip. He slammed his fist against the table, thinking. Then he saw the 0-8-4. He wanted to grab it and throw it at the wall. Of course, that would be very stupid of him. Coulson wouldn't be happy. And of course, he could blow up the plane. He grabbed a containment case, what they usually put 0-8-4s in. These were made out of the strongest material, it wouldn't be able to harm anyone in one of these. He threw it in the case, sealing the top and picking it up. He carried it to the interrogation room and slid it onto the table.

        He looked at it, sighing. It was all my fault. He shook his head, trying to clear his thooughts. He had to go see Simmons. Keeping his head down, he made his way to medical pod. Ward looked up from Jemma as he walked in.

Fitz said in a straight voice, "You can go now Ward. I'll sit by her for awhile."

Ward looked at him carefully, then nodded and stood up. "Yell if anything starts to happen." He said, then walked out of the room. Fitz sat down on the chair, folding his hands and watching Simmons.

"I'm really sorry, Jemma. That should not've happened. I got annoyed, angry, at Trip. I'm so sorry. But right now, at this very minute, we're running like every known test in the world on you. You're gonna be alright. Except for if this thing starts too..shut down your organs.."

Fitz stopped for a second. Pull it together..

"But we know tha's not going to happen. Don't you worry Jemma. I couldn't live without you. Course, you know that. Remember, the academy in our first year when we had to play truth or dare and we got truth? I said Simmons, you said Fitz. Well now this is what we get..."

Fitz took her small hand and held it in his. "Please wake up Jemma. Please?"
Blip. Blip. Blip. Blip blip blip

Her heart rate sped up.

Fitz smiled  a little. She felt that.

Fitz sat next to her until May came and got him, talking about memories at the academy, monkeys, science, and all they had ever done together.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 27, 2014 ⏰

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