Chapter 12 - Science

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*Claires POV*

Well if that wasn't the most awkward thing in my life, I truly don't know what was. I tucked myself into my old favourite chair and grabbed the closest book to read while the two talked to Myrnin. The book actually turned out to be on Alchemy, I decided to get up and go over to a whiteboard I knew Myrnin had tucked away, I pulled it out and decided to write down any symbol I could remember before I looked in the book. As I grabbed a whiteboard pen, I noticed Amelie and Oliver watching me. I blushed again and turned back to the board, completely zoning in on my work. It was a wonderful feeling, being completely absorbed in your work, I felt my heart rate immediately slow to normal and I worked like I would have any other day 3 years ago. It felt so natural, doing alchemy in Myrnins lab.

I zoned out of my work a little to try and hear the conversation behind me. Amelie seemed to be talking about something to do with protectors, I decided that it didn't concern me and pushed deeper into my brain. Something just clicked. It was like beautiful magic, I remembered all the symbols I had learnt. I remembered so much I thought I had forgotten. I suppose really just focusing on science brought it back to the front of my head. I was beaming from ear to ear as I wrote down each one perfectly, writing the correct name, spelt right too, next to it. I heard the conversation behind me draw to an end but I didn't even really acknowledge it, I just was so focused. I suddenly felt a presence just behind me and turned around. Myrnin stood, a shocker expression covered his face as he saw all the work I had done. His face suddenly turned into the best smile I had ever seen, it was his sciencey smile and his happy smile mixed into one. He turned to me and said quietly, "I cant believe you remembered all of this... It's amazing... It's all perfect!" I smiled even brighter at his compliment. His praise just made me really glow.

Amelie cleared her throat, clearly she desired the attention, she turned to me with kind eyes and spoke softly, "Since you have returned to Morganville, you have an option, you may resume life as it were before you left and have my protection and work with Myrnin. Or you may chose no protector and be at risk." My face lit up once more, "Id love to work for Myrnin again!" I said in pure joy, I hadn't been this excited for anything in ages! Amelie seemed highly satisfied with my choice and her and Oliver said their goodbyes and left, this time via the portal.

Myrnin turned to me and then back to the board full of my work. "You never fail to amaze me little bird" He spoke as if he were lost in thought, as if his mind were elsewhere. He seemed to bring himself back into the present as he turned to me and beamed brightly. I smiled back, his smiles were just so infectious!

We spent the rest of the day going through Alchemy and learning a bunch of new symbols too. I was mentally exhausted within a few hours, in my defence, the only times I had had to properly use my brain was when I was coming up with some new song lyrics or memorising a dance. Jumping straight back into ridiculously difficult science was a huge change. But I was so ready for it, so I pushed through the exhausted state my mind was in and worked harder. After another hour I couldn't take it anymore and asked if we could stop for the day. Myrnin agreed, but decided that we should continue to work on completing the mechanical work we were doing beforehand. We continued on that for another hour before I decided that I had had enough for the day.

I stood and stretched my legs, walking around the lab. I decided now would be a good time to change out of the clothes I was in. They were even more of a state than before, I was definitely going to need to buy new ones of these. I grabbed my bag from my lab table and walked into the bathroom. I smiled at myself in the mirror, I couldn't remember the last time I had gotten dirty working on something sciencey! My hair was getting knotted too, that was going to hurt later. Oh well! I pulled the jeans and T-shirt out from my bag and slipped them on. I took my heels off too and walked around temporarily barefooted. The jeans were light blue and ripped, and the T-shirt was a slightly baggy band shirt that I hadn't worn in years, I tucked it loosely into my jeans so it still had some overhang. I then pulled my hair up into a ponytail. I smiled at myself, I hadn't looked this much like I used to in awhile. I almost missed it, I adore my style now but sometimes a simple outfit and a fast ponytail are just a need! I put my old clothes into the bin and shoved my heels in my bag.

I walked out of the bathroom and chucked my bag onto my table, I then proceeded to let myself into Myrnins bedroom and go to his drawer and get a pair of fuzzy socks and slip them on. Myrnin watched me intently as I blatantly ignored his usual request that people don't go into rooms in his lab without asking. But I was smarter than that, I knew he gave me very different rules to everyone else. It warmed my heart to know that he clearly cared about me enough to let me do that.

Myrnin had moved away from the project and was now sat on the sofa in the corner of the room. He flicked the TV on and I walked over to him and sat beside him as he scrolled through channels. He lazily rested an arm over the back of the sofa, just behind me. He then left the science channel on. "Oh Claire look! They have a channel just for science! Isn't that wonderful!" His joy was contagious as I agreed that, indeed, a science channel was just wonderful. I tried to grab the remote to change the channel, I wanted a funny show! Myrnin quickly grabbed it and held it high above his head, taunting me. I crawled over and reached for it, ending up sat in his lap to gain height. As I got the remote, I realised the position we were sat in. I watched as he seemed to register this too. He seemingly made a decision as he closed his eyes and slowly moved his head towards me. I took a deep breath and let my eyes flutter closed as Myrnin moved his head down to mine. His lips were soft and cool on my warm ones and it sent electric through my body. I couldn't breathe, this was the best feeling in the world. My heart was thundering as I tangled my hands in his curls. He held my waist with one hand and the name of my neck with the other. The kiss was slow and tantalising and perfect. When I realised that I needed air, I pulled back, keeping my face close to his and looked in dead in the eyes. His reflected the same mine did.


A/N Sjhejey enshegbemejdhdn ahhhh

Word Count: 1285

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