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Ok am I the only one who wishes that sometimes you could know the people who unfollow you, cause it's kinda annoying

Me:500followers yayyyyy

Unfollower:na she cant have that(unfollow)

Me:482followers oh what did I do wrong*sad face*

I'm not saying I dont unfollow but I only unfollow when I see maybe the account isn't active anymore or something else

I'm just saying it will be great sometimes to know the people who unfollow you cuz

The numbers go up your happy
The numbers go down what did I do
The numbers are shaking nooooo

Well anyways personally I feel bad cause I always feel like I did something wrong that's why the person unfollowed

But what can little ol'me do

Anyways I want to thank you guys for 600+ reads I didn't really expect it thank you so much, next chapter is part two of the thank you chapter

Anyways if you likeeey vote

~love from pretty frustrated

Rants from rantsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora