Untitled Part 40

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Chapter 40 Part 1

The sirens of ambulances filled the filming site. The entire crew worked together with the paramedics to carry all four actors onto the ambulances. Every major media outlet had received the news about the explosion and photographers swarmed to reach the City Hospital at Qingjiang Road. The internet was covered with headlines about the accident that had occurred on <The Watcher> set, the three lead actors were unconscious, their condition unknown. The news became the hottest topic online.

Among the four actors, only Jiang Yu, who had been protected under Ye Qiao's body, was conscious sitting inside the ambulance.

The air-cushion which Ye Qiao had thrown both of them onto was farthest away from the point of the explosion. With Ye Qiao's body as a barrier, Jiang Yu came out only with some scrapes on her forehead and limbs. This was the first time this eight year old girl had experienced such terrifying scene, she held her assistant tight, wailing all the while. After a while, she lowered her voice to sob, realizing it wasn't the time to think only about herself.

The person who has saved her was still lying on the stretcher in front of her.

Jiang Yu asked Shen Ting in a small voice between sobs and sniffles: "Is Qiao Jiejie hurt badly? Why isn't she waking up?"

Shen Ting comforted her in a low voice: "You and Qiao Jiejie were the furthest away and the firestorm only brushed you two by. It won't cause any large burns. The nurse said that most of the wounds are caused by debris blown up by the force of the explosion......"

She couldn't continue anymore, her heart was beating so fast that it was about to jump right out of her throat. Zhou Tingsheng sat in front of her with a gloomy expression. His eyes were like a deep sea where a storm was brewing, making air in the ambulance dead still. Shen Ting took a glance at Zhou Tingsheng, both of them know the history of Ye Qiao's heart condition. Any strenuous exercise could induce heart problems, not to mention the effects of a large sound wave from a nearby explosion.

The five minutes drive to the hospital seemed to last a century.

Zhou Tingsheng jumped off the ambulance when they reached the hospital and helped the medical personnel with the stretcher. Ye Qiao was sent to the emergency room. The nurses rapidly exchanged vital information as they passed the patient: "Burn" "Patient has heart disease" "In shock"......All the medical terms were mixed with the noise from the onlookers and reporters. The flashing lights became blinding whenever an ambulance pulled up to the curb. Everything seemed unreal, only the patient on the emergency room bed was real.

Ye Qiao was pale, limbs cold, with weak but fast pulse and shallow breaths. Zhou Tingsheng held her hand till the end of the hallway when he was blocked by a heavy thud of the closing emergency room door.

He could still feel the chill left on his fingertips, her body temperature. The chill reached to the depths of his heart.

That night, the Ye family left Yang City to fly to G City. Ye Zhiliang took his mother and wife with him.

The hospital Ye Qiao had been sent to happened to be the one Qianxi was working at. She was having a rare day off that day, but rushed back to the hospital once she received the news. Since she knew the people in the hospital, she had the most up to date information first hand. Lu Qing and Cheng Jiang were both in surgery, both with second degree burns. Cheng Jiang insisted on not having an analgesic injection out of concern for the baby she was carrying. Jiang Yu only needed some bandaging and had already left the hospital with her parents.

As for Ye Qiao, except for small area first degree burns, her wounds weren't very serious, but she was still unconscious. The doctor said that there wasn't any sign of rejection for her heart. Her unconscious state was probably due to severe pain and great fear. As long as she woke up, then there wasn't any life threatening danger.

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