Untitled Part 22

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Chapter 22 Part 1

Ye Qiao was somewhat disappointed by Lu Qing. Though she could understand
his cautiousness, she found his indifference disillusioning. Perhaps it was because
Lu Qing had been her idol in her youth and in the eyes of a little girl, he was
supposed to be a righteous hero.

Ye Qiao realized that she had been a bit unreasonable. After returning to her room,
she tried to get on Weibo to distract her mind.

Her signal strength was only at one bar and she constantly received notifications
saying "Please check your network connection." She kept trying with little hope.
Surprisingly, the page updated with a new post.

It was a post by Zhou Tingsheng whose account she had followed a while ago when
she was bored. He basically never posted anything, it was practically a ghost account,
since she'd followed. Just as Ye Qiao had almost forgotten about him since coming to
the village, he suddenly posted some pictures on the Weibo.

With the weak signal in the village, it took ten minutes for one of the pictures to
download. Ye Qiao was amazed at her own persistence. She kept trying over and
over again until she finally saw the entire picture------a milky white kitten lying down
next to an imposing black dog, sleeping with its eyes curved in two crescents. The
black dog guarding it as if she was his mother.

It was Ophelia and Desa.

Then Ye Qiao discovered that Zhou Tingsheng had posted several similar pictures
of the two: eating together, going out together, sleeping under the sunlight together......
Zhou Tingsheng, being a man of few words, didn't seem to bother captioning the pictures.
There was only one picture that had a caption, it showed Ophelia sleeping on the balcony
with the words------ "taking Ophelia to look at the stars, but couldn't find the Uranus."

The kitten was sleeping inside a green, eggshell shaped swing chair under a brown
arbor and on a soft woolen blanket inside the chair. The slumbering kitten was curved
into a fuzzy ball, melting the hearts of anyone who saw the picture.

Ye Qiao certainly knew that this was Zhou Tingsheng's latest attempts at luring her in.
Even their pets had become his tools.

Yet, the trick was rather effective on a woman's heart. Ye Qiao was busy filming in a
remote village and there wasn't much to do after filming. Whenever she had the time,
she would struggle with the intermittent signal just to see whether she could see more
pictures. Shen Ting's cell phone carrier somehow had a better connection, which
Ye Qiao took advantage of to get on Weibo.

After three days, Shen Ting pointed out to Ye Qiao: "See, his followers has increased
so much. These days, anyone who posts cute pictures of their pets become instantly
popular. The fans are now calling the owner to show his face."

Ye Qiao took a look. The sharp contrast between Ophelia and Desa had gathered a
large following on Weibo, especially from a short video clip. In the video, Desa stood
tall and majestically while Ophelia circled around between her legs. Ophelia would
sometimes stand up to hold Desa's neck, scratching rather mischievously, to the large
dog's indifference. But when Ophelia went overboard and almost tripped, Desa would
use her paws to steady him. Most of the comments under the clip were from teenage
girls who would say that the video was like reading a 100K character novel about an
overbearing boss!

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