"It's only a coffee!" Fang X Female Reader!

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This is in the point of view of a girl so um... Yeah......                                               

I woke up to the loud yell like sound of my alarm clock on my dark wood bed side table. I let out a heavy sigh sitting up groggily in bed as I just hated mornings I could never seem to be happy or let alone cheerful when I awoke. I slammed my tired hand on my alarm clock to finally shut the damn thing up until I heard my phone buzz to life indicating someone have messaged me. I raised a brow gently grabbing my phone and opening up the message. It turned out it had been from my friend Tracy. I rolled my eyes not expecting much from this message since all she would normally sent me would be stupid out dated memes. But to my surprise as scanned by hazy eyes over the words in the message I smirked slightly.

Tracy: Y/N! Get your lazy damn ass out of bed! There's a hot chick at the boring as hell coffee shop you like quick I'll save you a seet!

My eye brow seemed to raise even more chuckling lightly. 'Shes got to be messing with me...' I thought as I managed to pull myself out of bed stretching my arms above my head before getting dressed into a sweater and a pair of jeans. I walked steadily up to my phone picking it up once more having the energy to text back for once.

Y/N: Are you sure? I'm not fully believing this!

I smirked to myself after sending my reply waiting oh so patiently for a response which knowing Tracy it didn't take more than a minute. But the next thing she sent me almost made me have one of those instant anime nosebleeds! It was a picture of a chocolate brown fluffy Werewolf with a long fuzzy tail wearing a red turtle neck sweater with black leggings and surprisingly no shoes. But the thing that caught me off guard the most was this wolf's body and if course the angle. This wolf had the hugest breasts imagine able paired with thick thoughts and a plump butt. My cheeks painted themselves a dark crimson shade quickly grabbing my jacket and putting it on texting a fast.

Y/N: I'm on my way!

To Tracy as I stormed out of the house locking my door firmly behind me my mind and thoughts racing and only thinking about this mystery woman.

•Timeskip brought to you by chibi Y/N fangirling over chibi Fang•

Once I had finally reached the coffee shop my heart started racing as I could see the exact woman my bestie was taking about through the window. I opened the door slowly the little bell ringing announcing I had entered but my eyes were instantly drawn to this wolfie lady but the one thing that Tracy's photo had missed was how extremely tall she was my eyes widening just looking at her. My cheeks once again flushing red as I was called over be Tracy to sit down. Following I sat down after ordering my drink getting comfortable but my eyes still not leaving the wolf who sat down the table opposite us. Tracy of course noticed this and teased me for it but she was soon silenced by the very woman herself walking over to our table. My heart began booming loudly in my chest my mouth become practically a desert since it was so dry and my eyes locked on the werewolf that had finally stopped at our table.

"Hey? It's not kind to pick on her for having such good taste in women~"

The female wolf hummed with a sly smirk Tracy long shut up by now. The female looked down towards me with a toothy smile showing off her knife like teeth. "Hi I'm Fang~ and your name is~?" I was frozen in place staring up at this new amazing woman managing to stutter out my own name. "Y/N..." Fang smiled even more at this winking at me with a hand in her hip. "Lovely name~" The wolf purred out. "But I'd like to get to know you you seem sweet and honestly look adorable~ So? Would you like to come back here? Just the two of us for a coffee~?"
My head was filled with thoughts but my answer was almost instant as I smiled up at her giving a simple nod. "Y-Yes i would love to!" She smiled in response nodding picking up her drink and starting to walk out my eye brow raised. "Aren't you going to give me your number?" Fang shook her head with a seductive smirk. "No~ You'll have to win that~ Meet me here tomorrow in the morning~" She chirped happily walking out her large hips swaying. My face was dark red by now with a nervous smile on it telling myself the same sentence over and over.

"It's only a coffee!"

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