my worst enemy😤‼️🤬

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*Kenzie was at Annie's house and was on her phone scrolling through Instagram while Annie was downstairs making some homemade pizza, when she got a notification, it was a dm*


Hey kenz! it's your best friend❤️ remember me🤣

*Kenzie was confused and at the same time pissed, she was in a good mood until Brynn came along*

What tf do u want? 🤬 get the fuck
Out of my DMs you clout chasing whore

Oh😍 sorry babygirl. I totally forgot that you're an arrogant bitch now. My bad . ❤️

I will slap your condom head looking bitch face I swear fo god you're getting on my damn nerves. But I ain't got time for your shit. I'm having my own fun time ❤️ bye attention seeker!

Lmfao you mad sis!

*annie called Kenzie downstairs and Kenzie walked downstairs and sat on the table waiting for the pizza*

Kenzie: that bitch dmed me on insta 😤
Annie: who?
Kenzie: the bitch I told you about. Brynn😤 she just slid into my DMs asking for attention trying to make me mad but I ignored her ass, I ain't got time for no bitch 🤧
Annie: kenz I don't want you to have any problems, just ignore her and don't ever talk to her
Kenzie: nah if she keeps talking about me I will for sure do sum. You know that's how I deal with shit. I beat tf out of Katie I'll beat tf out of her too 😠
Annie: speaking about Katie, I haven't talked to her in awhile. 😰
Kenzie: is that a bad thing?
Annie: well duh cause I don't know if she's ok or not
Kenzie: she probably is, relax
Annie: no Kenzie, she's been my best friend since 5th grade I can't just forget about her 😔
Kenzie: if you say so, anyway is the pizza done
Annie: 😂 almost.

It's short ik sorry

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