A dangerous lie

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You backed away hoping you could climb out the window before he lectured you his eyes trained on the ground trying to process why you were here. Then he saw your suit not your avengers suit but your villain suit with its dark black colours and gold trim. When he turned at last to face you there was no trace of tears, not in his eyes or in track marks on his reddening face. His eyes were narrowed, rigid, cold, hard. In that moment you knew he was already far away. Once more I was the enemy. These swings from most loved to most hated would be the end of me. His states had no greyscale, only the polar extremes existed. I drew in a deep breath, the burning hard stare would last only as long as it took him to think of the most brutally cutting thing he could tear me down with. And after that I could kiss anything breakable goodbye. Which right now might just be my nose, it was so hard to tell and so pointless to run.

"Why are you here" he said his voice as cold as ice "I'm not worth it". He looked confused a mixture of anger and sorrow on his face. "I'm not suppose to be an avenger, I'm not suppose to be a hero". Steve looked pissed at your answer "I get that you hate me, and wish I'd never been born but you can't just sneak off behind my back" . "I don't hate you" "oh right y/n, you know what your not even worth it your not even worth me" He never argued with his fists but his words packed a powerful punch. Carefully spoken, without drama, his words had an air of finality to them and no matter how hard she railed against them, nothing would change his mind. Tears started forming in your eyes and you tried to wipe them away before he noticed but you couldn't stop them. Steve immediately pulled you into his arms pressing kisses to your head. "I'm sorry" you stayed silent but accepted his apology pulling him tighter into you.

Steve memorised you're face and the feeling of him in your arms "You know you could take a picture it will last longer" Steve's face went bright red at your comment "what's wrong cap, cat got your tongue" Steve saw that you were feeling better and decided to join in "well you know what They say curiosity killed the cat and your killing me with how good you look in this suit" you burst out laughing hearing distant sirens in the background. "You're mission" you exclaimed a worried look overcoming your face. "The mission finished ten minutes ago were all good" you pulled apart from him reluctantly "I guess we should join up with the rest of the team" Steve nodded before following you out of the building in a comfortable silence.

It had been a few days since the mission and you and Steve had grown inseparable. You had movie nights on the couch, gym sessions together, you even took him to your secret lair which was a nice apartment near Central Park. You were located in the pent house and plants and art stuff was thrown all over the place Steve had actually been surprised at how cute it all looked. You were having one of your movie nights you and Steve were snuggled on the couch together with your cat in his lap. You let out a yawn your eyes getting heavy and the sounds of Steve's heart beat calming you down. You slowly slipped into sleep and Steve let out a loud sigh he should be happy you weren't enemies anymore actually you were now best friends but he wanted more. He wanted to be the person you woke up to in the morning, he wanted to make you breakfast and do the most mundane things with you. He wanted to take you on little dates around the city and hold you in his arms.

He picked your sleeping body off the couch and headed to your bedroom gently placing you on the bed. He kissed your head turning to leave when he heard you calling out his name. "Steve..." he brushed the hair off your face before he heard you speak again "I love you steve" he stepped back wondering if you had woken up. When he could hear your soft snores he knew you were sleeping he quickly kissed your head before escaping your room. "Hey Steve" Bucky said when Steve finally got back to the tower "how was your date" he  joked but the look on Steve's face knew something was wrong. "She told me she loved me" "that's great man that's what you've always wanted. "She was asleep and didn't know I heard" "oh" Bucky said the enthusiasm from before long gone. "What are you going to do" Steve thought about it for a second "I don't know"

A/n hey guys please like and comment 

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