"Not a dare, scout's honor." Kensi crosses her heart with her fingers, chuckling.

"Well, that narrows it down." Deeks takes a step closer to her, and takes her hands.

Kensi laughs, "Narrows it down?"

"There are pros, and cons, my dear Kensalina."

"Oh shut up." Kensi gets on her tippy toes, about to press a kiss to his lips, when Callen walks in, interrupting their moment.

"It's her, LAPD is coming over to take her in."

"Great, so case closed?" Deeks says, a bit disappointed with what just happened.

"Case closed, I have to take it in to Hetty, but yeah, you guys are off the hook for the day." Callen smirks.

"What's the smirk for, Callen?" Kensi whispers to him as they walk out of the boatshed.

"Nothing, have fun tonight." Callen chuckles, and walks away.

"We need to finish the paper work, though." Deeks calls back to Callen.

"Shit, I forgot, let's just get it all done so we have none to do during the week."

Once the paperwork  was done, all Kensi and Deeks did before they headed out was interrogate Nell and Eric about them getting together.

"So, everything good in Densi land?" Nell asks.

Deeks furrowes his eyebrows, "What the hell?"

"It's something Eric and I came up with, you know.. Like Brangelina." Nell shrugs.

"Are you- you have got to be kidding." Deeks laughs.

"Yes, I am. And we've agreed that you and Kensi should make beautiful children together."

Deeks rolls his eyes, "Thanks for helping me out, Nell."

"Anytime, Shaggy." Nell winks.

Deeks goes down to the bullpen, asking for Kensi, "She's in the armory." Sam smiles.

"Miss me already?" 

"I did.. I missed you." Deeks admits.

Kensi looks up from her gun and smiles at him, putting it down and going to him, "I believe someone interrupted us earlier.."

They start leaning in, "There are cameras."

"Do I look like I care?" Kensi asks.

"You usually do.." Deeks remarks.

"Well, I don't now." Kensi gets on her toes and kisses him lightly on the lips. Finally their lips connect. One of his hands were on the back of her neck, and the other on her waist.

Deeks pulls away and nods at her shoulder, "You good?" 

"I'm fine." She smiles.

"Can't argue with that."

Kensi gives him a look, and laughs. Her face turns serious, "So... tonight.."

"You want to go out with your shoulder like that? I was thinkng maybe I can cook you up some mean lasag-"

"Deeks." Kensi looks at him dumbly.

"Wha- Ohh, I get it. You want some Deeks-y loving, don't you?" Deeks wiggles his eyebrows.

"Deeks-y loving sounds awfully good.." Kensi laughs.

He smiles at her, "As much as I would love that, not today.. You're shoulder is swollen, Princess."

"How difficult was that?"

"It wasn't... You're more important to me than sex, Kens." Deeks kisses her forehead, making her smile.

"Anyways.. homemade dinner, movies, and rocky road.  Sound good?"

She kisses him, and he answers, "I'll take that as a yes."


Kensi and Deeks made their way to his place, and they had dinner, a movie night, and are currently in bed.



"Are you okay?"

She looks at him, and takes his hand, "I'm good. I promise."

He pulls her into him, and kisses her neck, "I love you."

She smiles, hearing the words from him for the first time... "I love you, too."

The End.

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