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Imma skip the part we're there doing the whole rig stuff it's just to much for me to write k got it.

"Alright next is the whole explosion part so I'm warning you it's not pretty." Gamora said

"Ok" Everyone said though the people who were there were not happy that they would have to watch this again.

"Hey boys imma go take a leak you guys good?" Caleb said walking around the pipe.

"Yah I got you buddy" Shane said

"Alright" Caleb said looking at the pipe quickly and noticed something that made him look back and stop. He walked closer to the pipe and crouched in-front of it.

" Hey Caleb what you see man?" Shane asked at the same time Donald asked "what the hell is he doing?"

Caleb reaches out and touches one part of the pipe and pulled away to see Mud on his finger.

"How the hell?" Everyone asked

Mud starts coming out of the lid of the pipe. And Caleb stands up quickly.

"That ain't good" Caleb says

" Jason are you seeing this? We got flow out here. Hey Jason are you seeing this?" Caleb said and right then the lid popped open and mud came flying out throwing everyone away.

"Holy shit" Caleb yelled

Caleb quickly got up and ran over to a wheel and turned it until the mud stopped flowing out.

"It's ok it was just a kick" Jason spoke through the speakers.

"Just a kick?!?!" Scott yelled out

"Biggest damn kick I've ever seen" Caleb said bending over with a small laugh

All of a sudden the mud started flowing out again but harder this time. The entire place exploded with mud and water.

"Caleb you need to get everyone out of there right-" Jason yelled into the speaker but a pole went through the glass and cut him off.

Ok so I'm to write the rest of it so imma show the trailer and call it a day.

"Oh my god" Lydia cried

"Yah" Thomas said looking down and he felt someone squeeze his hand so he looked up to see Newt giving him a sad smile.

"Alright last video for this" Gamora said

"Caleb was a real hero you know that" Mike said after a moment of silence

"No I wasn't" Thomas said still looking down at his hands.

"Yes you were. When Mike found man and I couldn't see well who was in the other room trying to help a guy get his leg unstuck from under the rubble and wouldn't leave until it was" Jimmy said

"Me I guess" Thomas said looking up at them.

"And then after the rig exploded who got everyone he could find out before himself" Shane said

"Me" Thomas whispered but was still heard.

"My point exactly" Mike said

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