| 7 | • Occasion •

Start from the beginning


Me and Kakashi arrived to a flower field.

When I say flower field, I mean it.

It was beautiful; flowers spread across the field, flowers of any kind

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It was beautiful; flowers spread across the field, flowers of any kind. To be honest, I never thought some of these flowers were real. Until now.

"Over here, (Y/n)." Kakashi said leading me into the center.

"It's amazing.." I said in a whisper, still in a daze looking around.

Kakashi rubbed the back of his neck.

"I was on a mission and ran into this field." He said then plopped down on the blanket he'd had laid out. "After, I decided to check it out, and it became the place I'd come to clear my mind. Nobody knows about it, since it's on the outskirts of the village."

I had slowly sat down, and felt the cool breeze. Then I realized a basket full of fruits and sandwiches, and refreshing drinks.

"May I?" I asked looking at Kakashi. He nodded.

I took a strawberry, and ate it. I was sweet and juicy, which was delicious.

"Have I told you that you look beautiful?" Kakashi asked side-eyeing me with a blush on his face that I could see through the mask.

I blushed. "Thanks. You look handsome."

"Thanks. You made it pretty clear when you were staring at me earlier." He said with a chuckle.

My face was beet red.

"Y-you don't have to call me out like that!" I playfully hit him.

"Yeah yeah." He giggled.


He hurried up and shoved a strawberry into his mouth. Me and him were bestfriends back then, so unlike most people, I got the advantage at being able to see his face.

"Kakashi did you just giggle?"

'What the heck did those kids do to my Hatake? As far as I remember, Kakashi doesn't giggle.'

"Ahem." Kakashi cleared his throat out of embarrassment. "I don't know what your talking about (Y/n)."

I sweat-dropped.

'Whatever.' I thought. Then I laughed.

"So I know you and Team 7 went to get to know each other. What do you think? Pretty crazy team isn't it?" Kakashi asked turning his head to look at me.

"Well Naruto's certainly encouraging. Sakura's a bold girl. Sasuke's... uh well you know. Sasuke." I said turning to look back at him. "Though they're all a good team. I'm sure they'll grow up to be amazing." He nodded.


"Though they remind me of our team, don't you think?" Kakashi said. I smiled slightly.

"Yeah. Though Minato Sensei's cooler than you'll ever be." I teased.

"In your dreams. You can ask Naruto, Sasuke, and Sakura. I'm sure they think I'm the coolest." Kakashi said.

I was trying so hard to not burst out laughing. With the impression Kakashi put on yesterday, I don't think he's considered 'cool' in those kids' eyes.

"Though to me, those kids can be really annoying. Everytime we get a D-Rank mission, Naruto starts complaining, and I'm the one who takes the blame." Kakashi complained.

"Not to be rude, but I know Naruto and Sakura can be annoying. The Sasuke kid. He's calm and collected, what could be so annoying about him? He reminds me of... you know... Itachi."

"Well it's just; he's always trying to be better. He puts his teammates behind him, always trying to be the hero. He doesn't realize that a king without his soldiers, is nothing more than dead meat. Of course he was top of his class, but still. You never know, Naruto or Sakura might save his life one day."

"True. True." I agreed. "He's the opposite of his brother. Itachi was amazing, before he.... killed everyone." I sighed. "What could possibly make a man do something like that?"

"No idea. Women like you might've drove him crazy so he decided to end it all." Kakashi joked.

I just scoffed and laughed at him.

"Whatever, Hatake."

That's how it went on. Kakashi and I just talking and joking around, until we decided to get some actual food. We were rolling up the blanket and Kakashi put it in a scroll, along with the basket.

"Wait." Kakashi said when I turned around to leave.

He picked off a beautiful flower from the ground.

He picked off a beautiful flower from the ground

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"I think it looks pretty on you.." He said shyly, rubbing the back of his neck after putting the flower in my hair close to my ear.

I blushed and smiled softly at him.

"Thanks, Kakashi."


We went to Ichiraku's and started talking. We were just talking about normal things, having fun.

"I feel so old." Kakashi said referring to his gray hair. I giggled.

"You might be covering your face all the time to cover up all of those wrinkles on your face." I joked. Teuchi, Ayame, and I all started laughing.

"So Kakashi, why did you quit Root?" I asked.

"Oh. The Hokage thought it was be better for me to be a genin leader." He answered.

"Ahh. I see." I nodded.

So we shared information. Talked, joked, and it was so much fun. Sometimes Teuchi and Ayame would join the conversation. We had a blast.


"Thanks for that date Kakashi. It was so much fun, I really needed it." I smiled. Kakashi walked me home, and I was now standing at my apartment door.

"It was no problem." He gave me a closed eyed smile.

Then he pulled down his mask and gave me a kiss on the cheek. This felt different than the last one he gave me. It felt... affectionate.

"See you later, (Y/n)." He said softly then pulled his mask back up, and walked into the distance.

I walked into my apartment, and did my normal routine. When I plopped into my bed I wondered..

Kakashi POV

I walked into my apartment, and I wondered..

'What are you doing to me Kakashi/(Y/n)..'

1268 Words

C A T A S T R O P H I C | k. hatake (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now