chapter two

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Steven POV
My blood freezes cold my head was racing "6 years...?" I see all except the pink version of me nods 'I really should give him a name.' I look at the others"how old am I? "I see connie gulp and look at the gems.

Connie POV
I turn back time steven" Your 20" I say I can see steven go pale when he say he's age.

Steven POV
I sit there shocked 'im that old but how!?' I shakes I felt tight arms around me and soft lullaby song idk where it coming from but I know my body was going relax by it and look up to see my gem half and burying he's face in my neck singing the lullaby'its my gem half know he's gem song but why is he doing that now?' I sighed and look at them

Pink steven POV
I can scene steven distressed from that Connie girl so I sang my gem song making him relaxed in my holds 'why is everyone still here he's awake he's fine why.dont.they.just.leave.him.the.fuck.ALONE!?'i huffed annoyed by them. 'Someday they'll get it. '

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