lost or found?1.

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Rakim scanned the cafeteria looking for Tyler he normally did this because at school Tyler would sit alone on purpose to avoid weirding people out but instead of finding him in his normal spot by the wall he saw a beautiful girl with a smile of an angel she was almost breath taking it was only right for  rakim to walk up to her
"What we looking at"Tyler said startling the hell out of rakim "you can't be walking up on me like that ty"rakim explained to him while going to his table with his eyes still stuck on her smile "well  last night I slept with the light off"Tyler told rakim but he just nodded and looked at this beautiful girl wich made Tyler a little frustrated but he didn't know why so he just brushed it off
"Eww you like her I'm gonna go tell her"Tyler said breaking rakims daze he then got up and walked over to her and rakim got up behind him "hey umm you see my friend over there"Tyler said pointing to back at the lunch table but nobody was there he started looking for rakim "I'm right here ty"rakim said elbowing him embarrassed Tyler could feel the awkwardness so he hugged the girl and she hugged him back thinking these guys are hilarious when he let go he said "so ye he likes you"Tyler pushed rakim infront if him so that he was right infront of the girl and he just sat back and watched him "y'all are funny"she said with little accent
Rakim got really nervous and he could feel Tyler eyeing him down to day something before he did "ye excuse us I never seen you around before"rakim said Tyler knew that they where going to have to dodge her in like a week or two if she was easy "ye I'm new i just moved here from Florida"she explained "so you like eat alligators"Tyler asked very interested "see I wanted to try that but"she was intruppted by rakim "so what's ya name"rakim asked trying to get to his point side eyeing Tyler who was being no help
"Nari but my friends call me"Nari was interrupted again by Tyler "omg really I knew a guy named Nari he had boobs though"Tyler explain wich pissed off rakim more and made Nari cackle "so what are you doing after school"rakim asked irritated with his friend "Nothing really but can you tell me where biology is it's my best period" Nari asked wich made rakim happy because that was his next class too but it gave Tyler more frustration  and this time he couldn't shake it
"Rocky rocky is that you" Keisha from last week yelled Tyler jumped with excitement but rakim was still his bestfriend so of course he saved him "hey Keisha girl what you doing you know you look good girl"Tyler said hugging her while rakim stood there looking to see what was gon happen and Nari laughed her ass off this was the best first day ever it was pretty shitty before these boys came into it
Tyler looked up to see Keisha's brother who stood taller then him looking around for them rakim started running leaving Nari and Tyler followed after "there they go get them"Keisha crazy ass yelled Tyler didn't get to far before he remembered Nari and went back to get her they ran past everybody and busted through the door to go out in the courtyard rakim who was already at the gate climbing it to escape got stuck Tyler started climbing like everything was normal then he noticed his bestfriend was stuck and helped him out when they got down Tyler looked for Nari
"Why are y'all so slow let's go"she said Running away rakim and Tyler followed "I like her she's fun"Tyler said laughing speeding past rakim who watched her smile she was something different and if Tyler liked her that meant she was really something different
Nari and Tyler sat on the curb waiting on rakim to catch up "yo like deadass y'all need to slow down we been running for mad long"rakim said sitting down on the other side of Nari "stop being a little bitch all the time"Tyler said mad at the fact that they had to do this almost everyday "y'all are crazy real shit"Nari said busting out laughing a car pulled up on the side of them wich made Tyler walk further from the car rakim just kept walking ignoring the car "Ay na na"the man in the passenger seat yelled as nans walked up on the car blocking the sun out her eyes
"Wassham"She asked the man leaning in on the car "you got what I need right"the man asked her licking his lips wich made Tyler think that she was a prostitute and rakim stoped to look in the car "boy you owe me pay me my money or you know what's up"Nari said turning her smile to a mug and started back walking and the car sped off "so your like a prostitute"Tyler asked wich made rakim mug him for being rude and kinda stupid but it was genuine question that Tyler had "Nope"Nari honestly wasn't bothered she liked Tyler he was different she liked different he was so cool to her and funny
"So what do you do"Tyler asked curious he was pretty sure he was right but at the same time he thought I'm just a dude who just met her today like 30 minutes ago what do I know "I can't tell you I don't know you like that"Nari answered that made rakim eager to know more about her but Nari was better off as a mystery she didn't like telling people about Herself because she would tell to much and then she would be scared that they would hold her past against her and air out all her business typical trust problems but she was very scared and aware of  her surroundings
"I think I'm gonna catch up with y'all tomorrow  I gotta go home"Nari said breaking off waving going the way of her home
"Ye see you round na"rakim said sad that she was leaving "bye"Tyler said sitting there waving till he was out if her sight then turning to rakim "she's most definitely a drug dealer"Tyler said making rakim bust out laughing "Why you say that ty"rakim asked putting his hand over Tyler's neck Tyler shrugged "See dont assume unless you know for sure" rakim explained

This short but I know we canceled rocky but without him the story will be in complete so.. yea.😔


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