The Prince's Soliloquy (Le pouvoir)

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from Roméo et Juliette, de la Haine à l'Amour
Gérard Presgurvic/me

After his pronouncement of Romeo's exile following the deaths of Mercutio and Tybalt, the Prince of Verona muses on the nature of power.

The Prince
Another clash, another kill
Of foe and friend, of power and will
It's unjust-still, you must
Learn not to suffer fools

I'm envied-well, why not?
All men dream of ruling their lot
They assent, but resent
That I know well their play
Still, it's true, what they say
Though I know it seems cruel
But my concern is my rule

This is power
This is power
This is power

As a prince, you have to know
How much farther you can go
The lines you dare to cross
The deeds to hide or gloss
For when the world around you wants a slice
Of your riches, your prestige
A sleepless life's the price
You pay to stay the siege

That's the greatness power gives
You decide who falls, who lives
The world's your looking glass
To reflect you as you pass
That is power
Your power

Those who live on dreams are fools
There are diktats, there are rules
And if it seems that things can change
It's just pieces rearranged
For when you guard your means
Your land, your wealth, your dreams
You make your legacy
Your stake in history

Who can argue with success?
Even bad press is still press
In this world where men are bought
You either bribe or buy for lot
In this world where men are sold
It's not God men love, but gold
Let the weak cling to ideals:
To be great, you lie, you steal

This is power, understand!
You must trust in heaven's plan
You must pick your sacrifice
Accept your chosen price
And if two sides cannot cease
Their war to sue for peace
You must learn to play their game
For by all accounts, it's the same

Leave dreams of change to youth
Your image is your truth
Your myth is of an age
And all the world's your stage
When you're more than just a man
You war for all you can
And when someday you'll step down
Renounce your earthly crown

It's your end

That is power
That is power
That is power
That is power

The Prince
That is power...

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