Rebecca (Rebecca-Act 2)

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from Rebecca
Sylvester Levay/ me

The second Mrs. de Winter confronts Mrs. Danvers, but she can't escape her predecessor, Rebecca's, shadow...

Mrs. Danvers
Night in the house
You hear the shadows sighing
Be afraid! Be aware
Forbidden doors closed against you
They're guarded and locked
Those who dare enter find themselves cursed for what they learn here
Every chamber in this house
Sighs in longing for her
Every spirit awaits her return:

Wherever you may be
Your heart is sovereign
Like the wild and stormy sea
Hear the wind, in the evening it sings:
Come home, Rebecca!
From Death's twilight world
The mists of Manderley

Nothing you can say or do
Is hidden from her
Be afraid! Be aware
She demands your total fealty
All perfidy banned
Those who insult her
Soon will atone for all their wronging
For this house is still her home
We but serve in her stead
And those who still love her will sing:

Wherever you may be
Your heart's a sovereign
Like the wild and stormy sea
Hear the wind, in the evening it sings:
Come home, Rebecca!
From Death's twilight world
The mists of Manderley

With Chorus
Do it, obey her will

I can't!

With Chorus
Take nothing of hers

I can't, no, no!

With Chorus
All is hers! You are hers!

She's gone!

Mrs. Danvers
Wherever you may be

Long gone

Come home!

Mrs. Danvers
Your heart is sovereign

What once was lost can't ever be

Mrs. Danvers
Like the wild and stormy sea
Hear the wind, in the evening it sings:

The past is the past!

Mrs. Danvers & Chorus
Come home, Rebecca!

Why, then, do I tremble so and fear

Mrs. Danvers & Chorus
From Death's twilight world
The mists of Manderley


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